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FR Place:Sanctuary
(List of links)
The following pages link to
FR Place:Sanctuary
Sanctuary (FR Town)
Sanctuary Quest Series
FR Place:The Sanctuary
FR Place:Sanctuary Hospital
FR Place:Sanctuary Hospital
FR Place:Sanctuary Barracks
FR Place:Sanctuary Barracks
FR Minigame:Tummies in Turmoil
FR Minigame:Ditch the Doggies
fr collection:Sanctuary
FR Mob:Karin Spellweaver
FR Mob:Ribbons
FR Quest:Finding a Bixie Defense Table
FR Quest:Finding a Bixie Defense Table
FR Mob:Ceri
fr quest:Hasti's Homework Heist
FR Mob:Fizzi
FR Quest:Bound for Blackspore
FR Quest:Belated Bonny
FR Mob:Ellandra Shieldbreaker
FR Quest:Wizard: Missing Student Sven
FR Quest:Wizard: Missing Student Sven
FR Quest:Changeling Bounty
FR Quest:Feeding the Crowd
FR Quest:Wizard: Helping a Friend
FR Quest:Wizard: Helping a Friend
FR Quest:Wizard: Helping a Friend
FR Quest:Chef: Learning to Crave the Flave
FR Quest:Pirri's Sketches
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Seek the Master
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Seek the Master
FR Place:2 Sunset Street
FR Minigame:Savory Spiralmint Soup
FR Place:Lakeshore
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Helping the Healers
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Helping the Healers
fr mob:Honey
FR Quest:Chef: Delivery Derailed
fr collection:Awesome Buttons
fr collection:Keys
FR Quest:Beat Finn's Record
FR Mob:Napoleon
fr quest:Looking for Lavender
fr quest:Looking for Lavender
fr quest:Looking for Lavender
fr quest:Looking for Lavender
Category:Sanctuary Places (FR)
FR Quest:It's all in the Training!
FR Quest:It's all in the Training!
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Nearly Departed
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Nearly Departed
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Nearly Departed
FR Quest:The Nightmare Before Filming
fr quest:History Comes Alive!
FR Quest:Medic: Take Your Vitamins
FR Quest:Medic: Take Your Vitamins
FR Quest:Medic: Take Your Vitamins
FR Quest:Jump in the Well
FR Place:3 Sunset Street
FR Mob:Bryan
FR Minigame:Scattered Mail
FR Mob:Kapri
FR Place:Wilds Northwest
FR Mob:Baxi Sparkletoes
FR Place:4 Sunrise Street
Pixie Royal Family (FR)
FR Minigame:Mail Marksman
FR Quest:Trick-or-Treat
FR Quest:Wizard: Parts and Labor
FR Quest:Wizard: Parts and Labor
fr mob:Kellin Warpwatcher
fr mob:Kellin Warpwatcher
FR Mob:Kirill Moonrunner
fr mob:Bertaboo
FR Mob:Pritti
FR Quest:Food for Fhred
FR Quest:Nomi's Little Brother
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Cardie 4 Life
Locked Treasure Chests (FR)
Locked Treasure Chests (FR)
FR Mob:Spice
FR Quest:Chef: Cloo's Cooking Academy
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
Category:Chef (FR Job)
FR Mob:Sandbur
FR Quest:Postman: Achieve Level 5
FR Place:Merry Vale
FR Mob:Geedus
fr collection:Sanctuary Mixture
FR Quest:Card Duelist: 52 Card Pick-Up
FR Quest:Visiting the Job Center
fr quest:Movie Magic!
FR Item:Chiller Boombox
FR Quest:Chef: Queensfields
FR Quest:Chef: Queensfields
FR Quest:Curious Gift Baskets
fr quest:Can You Bear It
FR Mob:Barton
FR Quest:Wizard: Searching for the Past
FR Quest:Wizard: Searching for the Past
FR Quest:Postman: Mail Marksman
FR Quest:Postman: Mail Marksman
FR Quest:Postman: Mail Marksman
FR Quest:Postman: Mail Marksman
fr quest:Turtle Tag
FR Quest:Coin Clean-Up
FR Collection:Sanctuary Liquid Concoction
FR Mob:Roscoe
Category:Farming (FR)
FR Place:Jacque's Cafe
fr quest:Broken Axle
fr quest:Broken Axle
FR Quest:Local Hero
FR Mob:Flitter
FR Mob:Zobs
fr quest:Golden Aegis
fr quest:Studying Squirrels
fr quest:Studying Squirrels
FR Quest:Demo Derby: Stunt Double
FR Mob:Doctor Gordon
FR Quest:Birthday Cake Bake-off
FR Quest:The Way of the Wilds
FR Place:Queensfields
FR Place:Queensfields
FR Quest:Wizard: Reach Level 10
fr quest:Something to Snack On
FR Mob:Rio Cloudjumps
FR Mob:Guard Slashi
FR Quest:Helping the Local Chef
FR Mob:Quills
FR Quest:Medic: Achieve Level 5
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Sam I Am
FR Mob:Scotty Trackrunner
FR Place:Royal Palace
FR Place:Royal Palace
FR Place:Royal Palace
fr mob:Mistress Kala Mari
FR Quest:High Performance Parts
Category:Wizard (FR Job)
Category:Wizard (FR Job)
Category:Wizard (FR Job)
FR Mob:Commander Kiggle
FR Place:7 Sunrise Street
FR Mob:Lavarius Sparksizzle
FR Minigame:Running the Route
Banking (Free Realms)
FR Mob:Camellia
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Poe's Best Deck
FR Quest:Wizard: Osgood as it Gets
FR Quest:Wizard: Osgood as it Gets
FR Quest:Wizard: Osgood as it Gets
FR Place:Sanctuary Warpstone
FR Place:Sanctuary Warpstone
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
Category:Postman (FR Job)
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Jump High!
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Jump High!
FR Mob:Quartermaster Fizzi
FR Quest:Undelivered Confections
FR Quest:Postman: Sort of a Mess
fr quest:Piping Hot Pie
fr quest:Piping Hot Pie
fr quest:Piping Hot Pie
FR Mob:Drake
Category:Sanctuary Mobs (FR)
Category:Sanctuary Mobs (FR)
FR Mob:Anura
FR Quest:Guardians of the Tomb
FR Quest:Sharing Your Talents
FR Quest:Sharing Your Talents
fr item:Jack-O-Lantern Outfit
FR Quest:Saying Sorry
FR Quest:Warrior: Asking Old Folks
FR Mob:Nurse Naia
FR Quest:Got Sundaes
FR Mob:Ari Dresswell
FR Quest:Snowhill Warp Tests
FR Quest:Snowhill Warp Tests
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Poe's Planted Cards
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Poe's Planted Cards
FR Place:Sanctuary Town Hall
FR Place:Sanctuary Town Hall
FR Quest:Late Library Books
FR Quest:Late Library Books
Sacred Glade (FR)
fr quest:Cakey Madness
FR Quest:Medic: Operation: Revival
FR Quest:Medic: Operation: Revival
FR Quest:Warrior: Legend of Fastvi Frostflutter
FR Mob:Belladonna
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
Category:Birthday Bash
FR Quest:Postman: Can You Deliver
FR Quest:Postman: Can You Deliver
FR Quest:Postman: Can You Deliver
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Good Help is Hard to Find
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Good Help is Hard to Find
fr mob:Jyn Warbletune
FR Mob:Violet
FR Quest:Warrior: A Skilled Smith
FR Mob:Nomi
FR Mob:Pux Frillwillow
FR Mob:Osgood
FR Mob:Evan
FR Place:Sanctuary Smithy
FR Place:Sanctuary Smithy
FR Mob:Guard Glibbin
FR Mob:Guard Glibbin
FR Mob:Periwinkle
FR Place:4 Sunset Street
FR Quest:Medic: Flu Season
FR Mob:Flurti
FR Place:Wilds Southwest
FR Quest:The Memorial Caverns
FR Mob:Poe Tatters
FR Quest:Medic: Surgical Precision
FR Quest:Medic: So You Want to be a Medic
FR Quest:Take a Number
FR Quest:The Perfect Joke
Category:Central Wilds Collections (FR)
FR Mob:Guard Verbi
FR Mob:Guard Verbi
FR Mob:Ethan
FR Quest:The Search for Snorg
FR Mob:Hexi Shimmershine
FR Quest:Milk and Honey
FR Quest:Milk and Honey
Category:Towns (FR)
FR Quest:Sandstorm's Grand Opening
FR Place:5 Sunrise Street
FR Quest:Card Duelist: So Over Archery
fr quest:Peavey's Big Ad Venture
FR Quest:Downing Cakenstein
FR Quest:Candy Gram
FR Item:Ayani Treasure Key
FR Quest:Cloudy Days
FR Quest:Postman: It's a Postal Disaster!
FR Quest:Postman: It's a Postal Disaster!
fr quest:A Profitable Package
fr quest:A Profitable Package
FR Mob:Clover
FR Quest:Medic: Palatable Pills
FR Mob:Riya
FR Quest:The Toadal Truth
FR Quest:Wizard: Filling in the Gaps
FR Mob:Flora
FR Mob:Alyssa Eggelyn
fr quest:Honey Safeguard
FR Place:5 Sunset Street
FR Quest:Chapter 1: The Alchemy of Betrayal
fr quest:Veggies for Jacque
Category:Wilds Central Mobs (FR)
FR Place:Cobblestone Village
FR Place:Cobblestone Village
FR Place:Cobblestone Village
FR Mob:Bellis
Category:Super Spooktacular
FR Mob:Spectral Guardian
Category:Sanctuary Quests (FR)
FR Mob:Steelbloom
FR Quest:Playful Puppies
FR Quest:Playful Puppies
fr quest:Humble Harvest
FR Mob:Bordon Cloo
fr quest:Druid Dress Code
fr quest:Druid Dress Code
fr quest:Druid Dress Code
Category:Wilds Central Places (FR)
FR Mob:Orchid
FR Mob:Feldman
FR Quest:Bundles of Balloons
FR Place:1 Sunrise Street
Face Paint (FR)
FR Mob:Brent
FR Collection:Sanctuary Elite Exploration
FR Mob:Saffron
FR Quest:Finding The Royal Vault
FR Mob:Guard Nibbs
FR Mob:Guard Nibbs
Category:Sanctuary Collections (FR)
FR Place:Lavender Coast Pass
FR Quest:A Piece of Cake
FR Quest:The Eggcellent Egg Hunt
fr minigame:Spiralmint Steak
FR Quest:Medic: Shocking Developments
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Bearer of Bad News
FR Quest:Wanderwings' Second Riddle
FR Quest:Wanderwings' Second Riddle
FR Quest:Wanderwings' Second Riddle
FR Mob:Sam Potts
Category:Dungeons (FR)
Category:Dungeons (FR)
Category:Dungeons (FR)
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Enter the Champion
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
Category:Card Duelist (FR Job)
fr mob:Jestin
FR Quest:Postman: Running the Route
FR Quest:Postman: Running the Route
FR Quest:Postman: Running the Route
FR Mob:Pinke
fr mob:Helga Humbleloaf
FR Place:Wilds Northeast
FR Quest:Creepy Crawly Cards
FR Quest:Sanctuary Delivery
FR Quest:Sanctuary Delivery
2010 Second New Content Archives (FR)
fr collection:Wilds Southwest Rare Exploration
Category:Demo Derby Driver (FR Job)
FR Quest:Protecting the Honey Vats
FR Place:Wilds
FR Place:Wilds
FR Quest:Blacksmith: Helping the Hospital
FR Quest:Blacksmith: Helping the Hospital
FR Mob:General Glowlight
FR Quest:Bixie Skirmish
FR Quest:Party Animal
FR Quest:Party Animal
FR Mob:Cinnamon
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Half a Deck
fr mob:Changeling Marauder
FR Mob:Royal Palace Guard
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Mosey On Up
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Show Off!
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Show Off!
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Show Off!
FR Place:Sanctuary Adoption Center
FR Quest:Brother's Keeper
fr quest:Raining Fruits
FR Place:6 Sunrise Street
Category:Blacksmith (FR Job)
FR Quest:Contract: Forgotten Favor
Category:Trading Card Game (FR)
fr quest:Farnum's Free Advice
FR Place:8 Sunrise Street
Cataclysm (FR)
FR Quest:Postman: Bixie Buds
FR Quest:Postman: Bixie Buds
fr quest:A Reliable Source
fr quest:Medic: Achieve Level 10
FR Quest:Wizard: Crystal Clear Delivery
Category:Warrior (FR Job)
Category:Warrior (FR Job)
Category:Warrior (FR Job)
Category:Warrior (FR Job)
FR Mob:Tabitha
FR Quest:Hot Foods on the Run
FR Quest:Hot Foods on the Run
FR Quest:Hot Foods on the Run
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Sit Up and Take Notice
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: Sit Up and Take Notice
FR Quest:Chapter 1: Pampered Pets
FR Mob:Tori
FR Quest:Card Duelist: History of the Crew
FR Quest:Sal's Suggestion
FR Mob:Barin Battlerock
FR Collection:Yo-yos
FR Quest:Card Duelist: An Old Friend
FR Place:The Royal Vault
FR Quest:Blacksmith: Tools of the Trade
FR Quest:Blacksmith: Tools of the Trade
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: To Sanctuary
FR Quest:Pet Trainer: To Sanctuary
FR Quest:Reassuring Health
FR Quest:Reassuring Health
FR Mob:Bezzle
FR Quest:Medic: Clover's Crisis
FR Place:3 Sunrise Street
fr collection:Sacred Keys
FR Mob:Maximus Axegrinder
FR Quest:Somewhere in Storage
fr quest:Wanderwings' Last Riddle
FR Quest:Postman: Beware of Ankle Biters
FR Quest:Postman: Beware of Ankle Biters
FR Quest:Postman: Beware of Ankle Biters
FR Quest:Wizard: Rescue Mission
FR Mob:Sugar
FR Mob:Gulsh
FR Place:Memorial Caverns
FR Mob:Marty
fr mob:Amoranth
FR Quest:Birthday Invitation
FR Quest:Wizard: Reach Level 15
fr quest:Raining Veggies
fr quest:Wizard: Two Gems Are Better Than One
FR Mob:Sassy Fancypants
Category:Wilds Central Quests (FR)
FR Quest:Postman: Special Delivery
FR Quest:Postman: Special Delivery
FR Quest:Postman: Special Delivery
FR Quest:The Spring Eggstravaganza
FR Mob:Finn
fr quest:Pookie's Treats
fr quest:Pookie's Treats
FR Quest:A Formal Report
FR Quest:Warrior: General Concerns
FR Quest:Warrior: General Concerns
FR Quest:Warrior: General Concerns
FR Quest:Warrior: General Concerns
fr collection:Sanctuary Rare Exploration
FR Quest:Doctor's Note
FR Quest:Doctor's Note
FR Mob:Pharmacist Ryan
fr quest:A Bounty of Berries
FR Quest:Deck of Buzzing
FR Place:Briarheart
FR Mob:Jacque
Category:Pet Trainer (FR Job)
Category:Pet Trainer (FR Job)
Category:Pet Trainer (FR Job)
Category:Pet Trainer (FR Job)
Category:Pet Trainer (FR Job)
FR Place:7 Sunset Street
FR Quest:Sanctuary Warp Tests
FR Mob:Pirri
FR Mob:Guard Banee
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
Category:Medic (FR Job)
FR Place:Wilds Southeast
Style Cards (FR)
Style Cards (FR)
Style Cards (FR)
Category:Wilds Central Collections (FR)
fr quest:Career Change
FR Quest:Medic: Achieve Level 20
FR Place:6 Sunset Street
FR Quest:Medic: House Call
FR Quest:Medic: House Call
FR Quest:Warrior: Take Care of That Ankle
FR Quest:Warrior: Take Care of That Ankle
FR Quest:Warrior: Take Care of That Ankle
FR Place:8 Sunset Street
FR Place:Pixiewood Hills
FR Place:Pixiewood Hills
FR Quest:Medic: A Strong Supplement
FR Quest:Pie Underground
FR Place:The Royal Vault Deluxe
fr mob:Speedy
fr mob:Speedy
FR Mob:Bilbio Strongarm
FR Mob:Nirvi
FR Mob:Guard Hardin
FR Place:2 Sunrise Street
fr quest:Medic: Omitted Admission
FR Quest:Warrior: Finding Facts About Fastvi
FR Quest:Warrior: Finding Facts About Fastvi
FR Quest:Warrior: Finding Facts About Fastvi
FR Quest:Medic: Achieve Level 15
fr quest:Raining Meatballs
FR Quest:Wanderwings' Third Riddle
FR Quest:Wanderwings' Third Riddle
fr quest:Hooligan Hassles
fr mob:Archmage Petulia
FR Mob:Doctor Callahan
Category:Goal Time! (FR Update)
FR Mob:Pupsicles
FR Quest:Demo Derby: An Incomplete Set
FR Place:1 Sunset Street
FR Place:Sacred Grove
FR Place:Sacred Grove
FR Place:Sacred Grove
FR Mob:Finnie
FR Mob:Clark
Fr Quest:Card Duelist: Pick a Card, any Card
Fr Quest:Card Duelist: Pick a Card, any Card
Fr Quest:Card Duelist: Pick a Card, any Card
Fr Quest:Card Duelist: Pick a Card, any Card
Fr Quest:Card Duelist: Pick a Card, any Card
FR Mob:Vereni
fr quest:Where is Everyone
FR Quest:Chef: Crazy Craving
FR Quest:The Eggxtremely Eggcitingly Eggcellent Egg Hunt
FR Minigame:It's a Dancing Telegram!
FR Mob:Farmer Wug
FR Mob:Bixie Warrior
FR Quest:Bad Apples
FR Quest:Bad Apples
fr mob:Yia
Timeline (FR)
Timeline (FR)
Timeline (FR)
FR Quest:Become a Medic
fr quest:Chef: Cooking with Cloo
FR Quest:Warrior: Achieve Level 15
FR Mob:Dasher Fancypants
Category:Wilds Places (FR)
FR Quest:Medic: Medic on a Mission
FR Quest:Medic: Medic on a Mission
FR Quest:The Eggcitingly Eggcellent Egg Hunt
FR Quest:Delicious Goo'd Candy
FR Mob:Jili
FR Quest:Demo Derby: Pixiewood Premiere
FR Mob:Guard Forbi
FR Mob:Guard Forbi
FR Quest:Card Duelist: Practice Makes Perfect
FR Quest:Medic: Supply Recovery
Category:Telescope (FR Minigame Starter)
FR Mob:Britta Autumnkiss
FR Quest:Bag Snatchers
fr quest:Wanderwings' Riddle
FR Mob:Arnie
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Quest:Medic: Tummies in Turmoil
FR Place:9 Sunset Street
2009 New Content Archives (FR)
2009 New Content Archives (FR)
2009 New Content Archives (FR)
2009 New Content Archives (FR)
2009 New Content Archives (FR)
FR Mob:Felipe
FR Mob:Cecelia
FR Minigame:Can You Deliver
FR Place:Wilds Central
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