Slaurith (WAR Lore)  

Even the most courageous hero can fall into darkness, and the noblest of intentions can be turned to evil purpose by the terrible will of the gods of Chaos.

So it was with Sir Luthor von Zakenhelm, once a Knight of the Blazing Sun who commanded a doomed expedition to seal the Chaos gate at the heart of the Bastion Stair. The Stair, a massive edifice far to the north that marks the boundary between the mortal world and Realm of Chaos, proved too great a challenge for the brave members of the expedition. Those few who survived were forever changed.

Following whispers that promised unlimited strength and power, Sir Luthor strayed from the expedition and found his way to a great arena with walls of brass and red stone. A mighty Daemon was waiting within, and Sir Luthor took up his sword to do battle. When he had won, another, stronger Daemon took its place, and then another, and on it went.

Consumed by his lust for battle and his desire to conquer all foes, Sir Luthor made a dark pact with the Blood God. In exchange for converting the other knights to the ways of Khorne, von Zakenhelm would be made a Champion. His eyes burning with murderous rage, Sir Luthor hunted down the knights who had sworn loyalty to him. Some joined him, lured by the promise of power. Others refused, and paid with their lives.

All trace of the noble warrior who left the lands of the Empire behind to confront evil was now gone. Thus was born Slaurith, Champion of Khorne, who waits in his arena for a worthy challenger.

Warhammer Online

Categories: WAR Lore | Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2009-09-24 17:13:47.