PS3 Screenshots and Concept Art Released (FFXIV)  


October 29, 2012

Check out these new screenshots of the PS3 version, featuring a redesigned UI that provides the functionality and customization MMO players require.

The PS3 action bar provides a total of sixteen customizable slots. The left eight slots are accessed by holding the L2 button, and the right eight slots are accessed by holding the R2 button. These eight slots are then mapped to the controller's directional pad and the buttons.™™

In short, to use an action, players press a face button while holding a shoulder button.

Up to eight different action bars can be configured for each class. Players cycle through action bars by holding down both the L2 and R2 buttons and pressing the directional buttons.

Check out these new screenshots of the PS3 version, featuring a redesigned UI that provides the functionality and customization that players require.

We have also released new concept art for Amon, Leviathan, Odin, companion chocobos, and one of the level 40 dungeons.

View concept art.

Final Fantasy XIV

This page last modified 2013-02-11 21:04:15.