Out of Your Element (CoS Quest)  

Quick Facts
Optional Quest

Zone: The Vault
Starting NPC: Merchant Master
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City of Steam
[Optional] Out of Your Element

  1. Enter The Sunken Ruins
  2. Gather Osseum x6
  3. Enter The Raised Ruins
  4. Gather Lacrymox x8
  5. Enter Lower Spire Tunnels
  6. Gather Eosite x6


  • There are two different Osseums and the only difference is the color of the stone in the description. Same name, same icon. The first (peach-colored) is for the quest [Optional] Out of Your Element while the second (smooth white) is for Gather Osseum.
  • There are two different Lacrymox and the only difference is the color of the stone in the description. Same name, same icon. The first (smooth white) is for the quest [Optional] Out of Your Element while the second (dark blue) is for Gather Lacrymox.
  • There are two different Eosites and the only difference is the color of the stone in the description. Same name, same icon. The first (dark blue) is for the quest [Optional] Out of Your Element while the second (peach-colored) is for Gather Eosite.

This page last modified 2013-12-12 13:14:41.