Interactive Maps (WoW)  

Search Fields

The map shown in the thumbnail is of The Barrens, horde side quests of any level. The area marked "Legend" shows the names of the questgivers, and are links to that NPCs database entry.

These maps allow you to view the placement of a variety of game objects, from monsters to NPCs, to herbalism or mining nodes. You can narrow your search by as many or as few criteria as you wish. Here is a list of search fields that and their contents.

  • Zone Lists all zones, including outlands.
  • Type Selects what you wish to locate. Choices are Beast, Humanoid, Undead, Demon, Elite, Rare, for monsters of each corresponding type. Vendor and Quest will show you NPC vendors and questgivers. Finally, Mining and Herbalism will show you the location for nodes of that type.
  • Size Show your final map in one of three sizes, small, medium, and large.

If you select "Quest" for the type of map, you will find two more options to search with.

  • Quests for Level Display questgivers in the area that have quests of a certain level.
  • Quest Side Show only quests for one faction, Horde or Alliance.

Interactive Maps
This article describes one of the site search tools.

This page last modified 2008-01-30 10:47:08.