Trion Supports Defiance Players at Launch

With the tech issues surrounding the launch of Defiance, Trion is sending players a little gift.

With some of the tech issues surrounding the launch of Defiance, Trion Worlds is rewarding players by giving away a few gifts as an appreciation of their support. The following items will be sent straight to players' Defiance accounts:

  • An Exclusive Launch-Only In-Game Title
  • 1-Week Weapons Skill Boost
  • 1-Week Scrip Boost
  • 1-Week Loot Boost
  • 1-Week XP Boost

Trion isn't just trying to sooth player woes with free loot. The team is "working around the clock to deliver a gaming experience that exceeds fan expectations." To meet these expectations, they will be having a massive client patch next week and then another two weeks after that. Among the planned fixes are:

  • Improved Server and Client Stability
  • Main missions will be replayable after completion of the last mission
  • Extraction timer upped from 30 to 90 seconds to allow more time for other players to revive you
  • Optimized objects to minimize pop-up and improve overall performance
  • Area voice chat will be improved and will be off by default
  • Voice and text chat channels will be able to be muted independently
  • Text chat will display for longer and won't hide when sprinting or boosting
  • General polish and bug fixes for all missions and side missions
  • Bug fixes on player characters
  • Gerneral polish and bug fixes for all co-op and solo maps

It is good to see a company not only working hard to fix problems in its game but also rewarding the players who stick around during construction.

Trion also can't be accused of lacking a sense of humor. The in-game title for playing at launch?


Matt "Mattsta" Adams

Tags: Defiance, News


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