Achievements (12/07/2011)

The following thread located under “Updates” in the Official FINAL FANTASY XIV Forums has been updated:

[dev1081] Achievements

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I almost
# Dec 07 2011 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
Feel sorry for SE for 14's failure. To think a AAA title like this could be released so incomplete. I wanted and still want this game to do well but i feel like it probably cant. I probably wont re-up when the switch happens on the 6th of January. Not that I don't believe in paying for good content but that I really feel with the fiber of my gaming being believe they should have transitioned this game to F2P if at all possible. I'm not cheap either I spend my money pretty freely when it comes to online games but this feeling I'm talking about that after 14 months they want to charge now.. I get the feeling that a lot of people just wont stick around which is bad for the game bad for SE and bad for potential players. F2P would attract so many new players to the game. Which is what a game like this needs in my opinion. A fair cash shop and subscription offers to bring in the money. They could make the game kinda like GW where you buy the game itself but playing is free or could even give an added bonus if you buy a retail copy but could just get it free online. I dunno its hard to say what will happen. But I'm not optimistic.
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