Hot Thread Thursday

It's been a while since we had a Hot Thread Thursday. With all the new info on Final Fantasy XIV that's been popping up, the forum has been alive with discussion. So, we've decided to bring this segment back.

This week's hot topics:

"Casual FFXIV Community" anyone?

A lot of people these days have a very busy "RL" and may not have the time to dedicate to "hardcore" gameplay. Do you plan to take it slow and easy when you play Final Fantasy XIV?


Famitsu - Alpha Test Hands-On!

Bummed that you didn't get in on the Alpha Test? Check out the info that was published in Famitsu, then share your thoughts.

Heterochromia! (Mismatched Eyes)

Did you notice that some of the characters they've been showing have eyes of two different colors? Is this an aspect of character design that you'd be interested in?


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