Station Cash is Now Available in EQ and EQII

In a move bound to send ripples through the MMO world, today SOE annouced a new service, Station Cash.  This new microtransaction service is available in EverQuest and EverQuest II. 

Station Cash, Sony Online Entertainment’s new virtual currency, is now live in EverQuest and EverQuest II . Station Cash can be used to purchase items that will provide convenience and customization in game, providing everyone the opportunity to create a unique gameplay experience.

Want to learn more about Station Cash? You can learn more at the Station Marketplace, and by reading the Station Cash FAQ. Please note that Station Cash will not be available for customers in Europe until Wednesday, December 10th.

So far the items available for Station Cash are fairly limited. For more information, see the Station Cash website.


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/agree. it's ok
# Dec 13 2008 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
It's ok.
but the exchange rate as well put forth by Tigerklaw is not so good. Its worse than online platsellers.
I would have thought in the way the game mechanics work nowaday's it would offer better exchange rate ingame and with more attractive choices.

Many will get something just for ****'s and giggle's, I might be one of them.

I like different things about eq, all of the different things introduced with each expansion or game enhancement.

I've played since beta.
I gave the Kunark expansion to my best man at my wedding for thanks for standing up for me. I bought it for him the day before the wedding the day after it hit the shelves.
I'm tenured in EQ.
Sometimes I play feverishly for days or weeks on end..othertimes I dont play for weeks or months.

Its there, It entertain's me.
It fits my entertainment budget.
I do not take it seriously.
It - is - a - game.
good luck out there.
It's OK
# Dec 13 2008 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
While the concept I think is OK, i think the exchange rate from real moeny to station cash is a little bit out of whack. Basically, 1 Exp bonus pot lasting 4 hrs costs is 1000 station cash which in real money is $10. Just consider that plat sells as the rate of $100=1 million plat or $10=100K plat. SOE needs to adjust that exchange rate some.
Voelfgar Fireforge
105 Beserker
# Dec 13 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
i don't know how much longer i can play this for. i really, really like everquest, but some days i see the game for what it is, a never-ending treadmill inclined thirty degrees, with some donuts along the way to keep me interested.

Thats all any game is .. they are diversions technically speaking a waste of time. that said I waste my time happily thank you very much.
SOE needs to advertise EQ
# Dec 13 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
If SOE wanted new players they would advertise!! That said I will stop playing when they shut my 8 accounts down :) I
# Dec 09 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I predict EQ will be dead within a year mainly because of the lack of trust in what Sony says and does. Nothing they say can be believed any longer. A game built on lies is one bound to die a quick death.
# Dec 09 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Well folks, this is just another example of how desperate Sony is within the gaming world. I guess that, in addition of laying off over 10K workers, they are coming up with other ways to stem the blood loss in this economy.

So guess what, Ladies and gents? Now is the time to start demanding some real service from SoE; especially now that we got their financal balls in a sling. For those folks who still have accounts and has endured Sony's crap for the past 7+ years, now is the time to get some pay back. Make SoE accountable for the improvement of the game by offering real service, banning accounts that cheats using 3rd party programs, and/or fixing long existing game bugs.

Remember, without you, Sony is just another auto company begging for money on the steps of Washington.
# Dec 09 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
I already canceled both of my accounts.

A really big FU! SONY!

News: Station Cash is Now Available in EQ and EQII
# Dec 09 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
wtf, okay lets just have some fun with this before i lose it.... i'm already paying money every month to play, don't bring my personal finance to the table in an MMO... i just feel bad for all the dads and moms out there who gonna be lookin at credit card bills going "who the hell is SOE STATION CASH and why they hell did they take $370 last month"

should we get a PP tax rebate on the interest of Station Cash that we pay over the next year>????

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 2:01pm by necromonkboy
News: Station Cash is Now Available in EQ and EQII
# Dec 09 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
hehehe i guess your not one of the smart watcher on your money... although i do agree this is another way for SoE to get more money out of you... its another way for rich people who want to get everything easy... but for those kids its the parents fault not the kids... parents should teach their child the importance of money.
News: Station Cash is Now Available in EQ and EQII
# Dec 09 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
" you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him think" :)
no matter how well you try to teach your kids about the importance of money, they aren't little carbon copies of their parents. nor should they be. thye are going to decide for themselves what's important for them on their own... if you think that isn't true, then explain teen pregnancy. if all kids listened to what they were taught, that would never happen.


i do agree this is a bad bad bad sign for the future of everquest. at least they don't offer direct plat sales through tihs ' marketplace'. that would have indeed been the kiss of death.

i think if they cleaned up their act... stopped the spam and advertising, locked down on cheaters, and started adding more comprehensive content for lower levels.... how do they expect to ever add new players when all of the new content is for the top end of the game? where is the incentive?
the way the game has devolved, levels 1-40 are merely obsticles you must get around before you can acctually start playing.
for that matter.... i have to say i think the hot zones are a bad idea as well - at least before lvl 55 or so. when you cna get a toon from lvl 1 to lvl 65 in a weekend, without really trying very hard, it becomes clear that sony has 'dumbed down' the game by to great an extent. i mean my god.. this is supposed to be Everquest... not WoW.
- Zanaabi Rumslayer
- 110 Kitty Shammy of The Nameless... I mean Druzzil Ro.. I mean Xegony! oops.. Test.
- We Dance With No Pants

" Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?"
News: Station Cash is Now Available in EQ and EQII
# Dec 09 2008 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
204 posts
how do they expect to ever add new players when all of the new content is for the top end of the game? where is the incentive?
the way the game has devolved, levels 1-40 are merely obsticles you must get around before you can acctually start playing.

everquest is end-game oriented. everybody on live servers plays with end-game content in mind, save for a handful of progression guilds who lock themselves into older content, but why would a new player find that attractive ? they're going to want to witness all of the game when they begin playing, not voluntarily ignoring most of the game to focus on two continents.

SOE has no intention any longer of getting new players. their sole purpose now is to keep what playerbase they have by putting out expansions with endgame content, easier-to-get upgrades, more powerful AAs, etc. and like someone posted in another thread, why would someone new to MMOs want to play this ? its clunky. it has decade-old bugs. the graphics pale in comparison to any other reasonably successful mmo out there. they're not likely to know anyone who plays. the game is deep, sure, but it takes 6 months to begin grasping the depth of the game, and at least two years to become familiar enough with the game that they will feel satisfied with themselves - and in that time, they would have three level 80 characters in WoW with full epics and probably friends in real life with the same.

i don't know how much longer i can play this for. i really, really like everquest, but some days i see the game for what it is, a never-ending treadmill inclined thirty degrees, with some donuts along the way to keep me interested.
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