Gamasutra Interview SGW's Joe Ybarra
Do you think that you're going to have to partner with a publisher at all, in the case of either of these? I don't know if anything has been announced, but it seems like, with your scale, and digital distribution, it might not be necessary.
JY: Well, it's our intent to basically be the operator of the product, in that we run the service, we do the customer support, and all of the infrastructure that's necessary to do that. So a publishing partner, for us, is somebody that will help us with retail distribution, since Stargate will be a boxed product to go along with the service.
And then the other aspect, that goes back to what you're alluding to with a publisher partnership, is the global scale. You know, we can service a certain portion of the world, but we just can't be everywhere at the same time, because we just don't have the expertise or the scale yet. So, that being said, we're hoping to find partners that will help us in other territories, other than North America. And we'll just see how that works. That's another task that I've been working on now, for some time.
In case you've not been paying attention, Stargate Worlds is being developed by these folks, and the six page interview includes some screen shots you might enjoy as well!