Win a Rift VIP Key from ZAM!

You could win a VIP key that will get you into all of the upcoming Rift closed beta events!

Have you been eager to get a glimpse of Telara and want to lend a hand? Now is the time to prove your mettle!

ZAM is giving away VIP keys that will grant you access to the upcoking Rift closed beta events starting Dec. 3. These keys will allow you to attend the starting event on Dec. 3-6 and all VIP events going forward from that weekend. These keys aren't just a chance at getting in - they are your own reserved seat to this ever-changing world!

How do you get one? Visit us at, become a registered member of our forums and help us create some buzz! We will select winners based on their activity in our brand new Rift forums, their Rift@ZAM story comments, and our overall impressions of them as a participant on the Rift@ZAM website. Remember that these keys are actual VIP keys, not just "extra chances to be selected for the beta." This contest will continue until we're out of keys, so make sure you're checking your private messages and being as active as possible to improve your chances at winning a key!

Will you heed the call to become one of the Ascended? Join us on the Rift@ZAM forums!

Tags: Feature, News, RIFT


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Rift Watch
# Dec 06 2010 at 1:24 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
Thanks to a PC gaming master (the one who turned me onto EQ, actually) I've been keeping an eye on RIFT on and off since it was announced...actually had a bit different name..something similar to Telara, or Planes of Telara. Anywho...
I like what I see so far, though I must admit that most of my time is eaten up by EQ II and my Ph.D. work in quantum physics (yeah right)...

Thus far it looks really good. I'm looking forward to the Bladedancer class and will have to experiment with each mage class as well...I'm a mage at heart.

Being awarded a key would be Smurfy, specially since I just got a sweet new system that should run it quite well.

Grats in advance to those who are awarded and thanks again ZAM.
vip ?
# Dec 05 2010 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
I would really like to have a vip key for Rift beta.
# Dec 05 2010 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to test a rift please give key
Vip key pls
# Dec 04 2010 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
would like to continue my feedback and bug posting.

kind regards

Beta Vip Key needed
# Dec 04 2010 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
Been lucky to get into the beta this weekend.Since NDA i can only say that i will be coming from eq2 to RIFT.

Sadly i dont have the Beta VIP key so only able to try out this weekend.

Been inputing lots of bug and feedbacks and would like to continue.

Watch out for the RIFT!!!!!

if keys still available, would appriciate one.

kind regards

Rift Key
# Dec 04 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Dec 4 and no key. I will continue to wait for this great game with limited patience ;).

# Dec 04 2010 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
this game looks amazing and i cant wait to test it thanks for the opportunity :D
# Dec 03 2010 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just curious if there are still keys. I love the sound of the dynamic content the game has to offer and I want to try to help make it as great as it can be for release.
Rift Key
# Dec 03 2010 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Rift looks like an exciting new game that needs an experienced gamer to help out in Beta. Done most of the MMOs since the late 90s.

Former Discordia guild member in EQ1 Tallon Zek and Defiant member in WOW on Burning Blade.
# Dec 03 2010 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent

I would like to test a rift please give key

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# Dec 03 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Oh well, next time i will be quicker and get myself a VIP Key for RIFT in time, and for all of those who have the chance to play it this weekend, i hope ya have a lot of fun :)
# Dec 03 2010 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Sheesh, as many others, i would have loved to get the chance to test RIFT this weekend, but did not get a chance. Found out a bit too late that a VIP key was needed to get a better chance to even get the chance to download the game, and i wasn´t lucky :/
Rift VIP PlZ kthx :D
# Dec 03 2010 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Thx for the giving us a chance at a VIP key, Im hoping for the best with this MMO.
Rift Beta key and really testing it out.
# Dec 03 2010 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I would love to test this. Cause I am good at finding bugs and breaking games. I been a big help in mean mmo Like WoW and SWG. I do not join beta’s for just fun. I work my butt off tring to find as many things to exploit.

I hear the game if very pollished. I would love to test that out. Please let me break Rift.
Rift Looks rockin'
# Dec 03 2010 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Having played MMORPG's for 10+ years i have to say that Rift is looking as a good option for mmo of the year 2011.. I would love to get my hands on a VIP pass so thanks Zam for the opportunity.

Best wishes
give me a chance
# Dec 03 2010 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
i wanna to play Rift
even now srill playing EQ1
but i wanna try Rift
so give me a VIP key plz
Been following this for awhile.
# Dec 02 2010 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
Looking for a chance to play Rift. I haven't been able to find a good pvp since shadowbane. And this one looks like it has the classes I like.
very excited!
# Dec 01 2010 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I would love to get a beta key. I'm very interested in checking out a new mmo, I've been playing WoW since the summer after release and would love to experience something different.
finally took the blinders off!
# Dec 01 2010 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Was happily scooped up in another MMO till recently & finally looked into Rift...and I'm glad I did. Looking forward to Beta testing and hoping to get my mits on a VIP key as an avid MMO player so I can really dive into the game. Thank you Zam for giving us gamers a shot at the Beta & a wicked site to converge on!
# Nov 30 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Having been playing MMO's for way too long. I think I may have finally found a new MMO home after having stopped playing them for any length of time. Nothing has been able to recapture the magic of my first MMO AC or the Woo-hooo after beating the Godking or the turtle in EQ2 for the first time. Considering some of the names involved in Rift (Scott and crew) this one should actually live up to the Hype.
Please Obiwa...err Zam you are my only hope!
# Nov 30 2010 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Really really looking forward to Rift. long time fan of teh work scott hartsman did at eq2.. still playing eq2 and wow but looking for something new.. Rift looks like just the thing to cure the holiday blues.
Thanks for VIP Key oppurtunity
# Nov 30 2010 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
I would love to recieve a key. I have been following Rift since it was known as heroes of telara. I want to play the game because it contains so many elements found in most high quality mmos that are out today. I have been try to get a vip key for weeks. I even sat on the mmorpg site all day yesterday and missed grabbing one of theirs by 30 posts. A VIP key would be very much appreciated.
# Nov 30 2010 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to play RIFT and compare it to the other games I play. The tradeskill and general questing are the sections I would like to become familiar with.
# Nov 30 2010 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Hi every one,
I am from Portugal,leaving at south near ocean.
I never had chance to have CD key to play a game.
So to get possible one is a dream to me.
Lucky or not I send big hug to every one.
Pick me, pick me!
# Nov 30 2010 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Yeah, this post will really make me stand out in the crowd as a deserving soul for a VIP
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