Rykhorne wrote:
Interesting deck, Cestin! Mono-red "BURN!!" decks can be a blast (no pun intended).
I'm a bit confused about a couple choices, though. You don't have any creatures, so I don't see a use for the Crimson Wisps or the Inside Outs (although Inside Out could be defensive).
I'd personally replace the Lava Axes with, well, nearly anything. 5 damages seems nice, but you can't aim it at a creature, and without creatures for blocking, you'll be wanting to burn a lot of attackers.
Incinerate springs to mind, as does
Lightning Bolt. You might also consider
Crushing Pain over Needle Drop, although the Drop does allow player targeting and has the cantrip effect.
A fun card you might want to try out with that deck is
Pyromancer Ascension. Takes a bit of work to get going, but with a lot of cheap spells you can pretty quickly get free Twincasts on every burn spell!
The point of Crimson Wisps is just for drawing the card for only 1 mana. I figured I'd need some good acceleration in here so that I don't run out of cards in my hand as quick. Inside Out could be used nicely offensively, but mostly for the draw. Needle Drop is just awesome, 1 extra damage and a card draw.
Incinerate was in my original list, but you see after checking prices, I redid the list. Lightning Bolt was also in there. Incinerate and Lightning Bolt cost too much though, upwards of a dollar or more per card, which I don't want to pay really. All of my decks are pretty much 'budget decks' as they say.
Crushing Pain could be interesting, might need to kill a vital creature. Pyromancer Ascension looks very nice, might want that in there if it fits in the price range. I need to cut out a couple cards to keep the deck size down.
As for Ball Lightning, thank you Vat, that seems like a
very nice card. Hope the price isn't too bad.
As for tarv's list, Ensnaring Bridge could be nice. Maybe not needed though - this is more of just a crazy berserker deck to see if it can own someone in 5 turns or so, maybe a bit more. Grafted Skullcap, Hammer of Bogardan are nice. Firebolt is very nice, I think I'll add that to my list, along with Violent Eruption, Madness seems like a very useful ability. I don't like Earthquake so much because I have to damage myself as well. Edit - Grim Lavamancer is a creature I could consider adding in....though I need to cut a lot out.
Edited, May 6th 2010 9:46pm by CestinShaman