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Weekly Lodestone Interesting Threads 1/13/2013Follow

#1 Jan 13 2013 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
This was an idea I had when I heard some people are unable to log in to the Official FFXIV forums. I have been browsing for a few days and figured it would be worthwhile to compile a list of ones that I find interesting. They will all have an official response, so it won't be interesting because of the discourse (they rarely are). If you find any you want included just PM the link to the dev response to me and I'll add it to my weekly list. Here are this week's picks:


SLI/Crossfire Scaling in ARR?

Original Post

Soukyuu wrote:
SLI/Crossfire scaling in ARR?
I've tried putting a second 260GTX (yes, my gpu is old) into my pc and found out that ffxiv 1.x doesn't scale with it at all. No improvement on framerate, both cards just share the load@50% each while still stuck at 35fps (limit=60fps).

nVidia's own scaling indicator was jumping around 20% of the green bars. Is this the same for crossfire users?

Nearly all the other games I tested gave me a 80% increase in fps, D3 even 95%

I don't remember anything about it in any of the interviews so... do we get proper scaling with ARR?

Official Response

Bayohne wrote:
Just wanted to drop a heads up that we are coordinating with AMD and Nvidia so that Crossfire/SLI will be supported when the game is officially released.

Lifetime Subscription

Original Post

Abrial wrote:
Lifetime Subscription
Can we have it? Pretty please?

It works very well both for the developer (that can get a nice bundle of money on the short term from people that often would quit anyway on the long term) and for the customer, that can play all he wants without worrying one bit about monthly fees for the rest of his gaming life.

For those not familiar with lifetime memberships. It's simply a subscription option in which you pay a good chunk of money (normally around $150/300 depending on the game) all at once, and then you're considered subscribed for life. No more worrying about monthly fees.

It's great value for those that decide to go for it and feel that they'll stick with the game for a long time.

Official Response

Bayohne wrote:
We discussed the possibilities of including a lifetime subscription for FFXIV with Yoshida. He has researched other company's business models and knows that a few of them do offer lifetime subscriptions. Currently there aren't any plans to offer this option when the game launches, but there's always a possibility it's something that could be made available in the future.

/show names - OFF, ON, or OTHERS ONLY

Original Post

Vyncent wrote:
/show names - OFF, ON, or OTHERS ONLY
Would it be possible to make it so we have THREE options (instead of the current two) when it comes to displaying names?

I hate seeing my name in the middle of the screen all day long, and I equally hate not being able to see the names of other players, or the aggro status of monsters. This has led me to constantly switch between displaying and hiding names when all I really want is the ability to hide my own name from my view.

Would anybody else like to see this feature?

Official Response

Okipuit wrote:
Good evening!

Please excuse the bump! We have some updated name display information for you all:
In ARR, we will be making it possible to toggle the settings in the configuration so that you can select whether you’d like to display both first name and last name or just one of the two.
We have noted your suggestions in this thread and will continue to listen carefully to everyone's feedback in order to have a satisfactory amount of name display settings.

Beta Phase 3 Character Levels

Original/Official Post

Okipuit wrote:
Beta Phase 3 Character Levels
With the Beta Test just around the corner, we wanted to give some details about how your 1.0 characters will be imported and how it will be affected by the level cap.

As many of you may have noticed, from Beta Phase 3 you will be able to import your 1.0 character data. To clarify a bit on the level cap for these characters, if your character level is already above level 35, it will remain at that level and you will not be able to level any further. For example if you are 50, you will stay at 50, likewise, if you are 36 you will remain at 36. In the case your level is less than 35, you will be able to level up to a maximum of 35.

The more you know ~★

Edited, Jan 13th 2013 7:50pm by Wint
#2 Jan 13 2013 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
Cool idea, no offense though but this feature is on the official forums.

Dev Tracker

Edited, Jan 13th 2013 7:09pm by RippedApart
#3 Jan 13 2013 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Your link is broken, and I doubt individual CR replies are in the dev tracker.

Also, this is for those people who are unable to log in to the forums and so can't discuss them there. You can discuss them here instead.
#4 Jan 13 2013 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
The link is not broken, it just works for those who have logged in accounts.

But yes, I do like the development Wint. It would be really nice if you guys continued to stay on top of this as it will help the flow of information, which really has been kind of... not flowing outside of the official forms. So many repeated questions here that have been answered before in Rep posts.
#5 Jan 13 2013 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Thanks Wint. Definitely a big help for those of us who can't log into the official forums :)
#6 Jan 14 2013 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
The fact that SE is currently not considering a lifetime subscription option is good news.

No company would offer a lifetime subscription unless they thought that they'd make a greater profit over not offering it (obviously). Lifetime subscriptions generally "pay for themselves" after about one year's time. The fact that SE currently foregoes a lifetime option indicates that they believe there to be enough potential in FFXIV to retain the average player for a longer period of time than would be covered by the typical lifetime subscription.
#7 Jan 14 2013 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
No company would offer a lifetime subscription unless they thought that they'd make a greater profit over not offering it (obviously).

I'm not sure that's necessarily true, but even so the history of the lifetime sub is not an encouraging one. If the game ever transitions to a different pay model, it's always a hassle figuring out what to do with someone who's paid for a lifetime sub.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#8 Jan 14 2013 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
No company would offer a lifetime subscription unless they thought that they'd make a greater profit over not offering it (obviously).

I'm not sure that's necessarily true....

I remain unconvinced that any game company would sit down, crunch the numbers, conclude that a lifetime subscription option would be a plausible and profitable thing to do, and then deliberately forego it.

If they choose not to offer such an option it's because they forecast a greater profit can be made in refraining from doing so -- perhaps because they believe they can lengthen the game in the proceeding months, or perhaps because they hope to retain more faith by avoiding the negative associations such a payment option engenders. That is to say, you could abstain from cashing in on the short-term profits of lifetime subscriptions in exchange for allowing your game to appear more patient and stable.

As for lifetime subscribers after your game resigns itself to micro-transactions, it's easy to know what to do with them, all companies taking that route do it: you bestow upon them "veteran status," or whatever the hell you call getting exp. boosts and store-bought currency thrown at you every now and then.

At any rate, you're welcome to your opinion, of course, but there are massive marketing teams working alongside these decade-long, multi-million dollar MMORPG projects, and to think that they would just ignore what they believed to be sizable sources of revenue is too much for me to believe.
#9 Jan 14 2013 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
Lifetime Subscription

Original Post

Abrial wrote:
Lifetime Subscription
Can we have it? Pretty please?

It works very well both for the developer (that can get a nice bundle of money on the short term from people that often would quit anyway on the long term) and for the customer, that can play all he wants without worrying one bit about monthly fees for the rest of his gaming life.

For those not familiar with lifetime memberships. It's simply a subscription option in which you pay a good chunk of money (normally around $150/300 depending on the game) all at once, and then you're considered subscribed for life. No more worrying about monthly fees.

It's great value for those that decide to go for it and feel that they'll stick with the game for a long time.

Official Response

Bayohne wrote:
We discussed the possibilities of including a lifetime subscription for FFXIV with Yoshida. He has researched other company's business models and knows that a few of them do offer lifetime subscriptions. Currently there aren't any plans to offer this option when the game launches, but there's always a possibility it's something that could be made available in the future.

I would love to see this. I would drop 2 years of subscription for a life time of use. However the down side effects SE. If we are going to play the game for an extended period of time, SE wants to cash in on that. Having a lump sum will cut the potential profits for SE, dramatically. Lets use me in FFXI as an example.

Joined March, 2004. After 4 months I knew I was never going to quit. I would have dropped $300 for a life time membership. That's $360 total.
Since I had to pay monthly and I did every month because I wanted to play, even if I wasn't playing for a month, I payed anyway. I had a subscription from March 2004 until May 2006 (26 months of subs) plus October 2006 to November 2008 (25 months of subs) then on and off until October 2010 (12 months maybe) then 4 months in 2012.

Total months = 70months* x $13 = $910 + Expansions for PS2 and PC until WotG and a $10DL of all Abyssea.

They would have lost over $600 of sub fees if they let me join for life. Now FFXIV might not be as good in the long run as FFXI but SE is hopeful. Maybe when they realize that people are playing less they will offer that type of service. I would do it but not if its at the end of its life. Right now if FFXI did it for $100, I would do it. maybe even $150 if only for the lure of playing again when I'm 50 and 60 years old.

Crazy rant but I'm not the only one who has spent that much money on FFXI. lol.
#10 Jan 14 2013 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
656 posts
very nice
thanks Wint
I only come here for FFXIV news
#11 Jan 14 2013 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
WFOAssassin wrote:
They would have lost over $600 of sub fees if they let me join for life.

Exactly: if the company had any faith that a significant number of players would subscribe continuously for over a year or two, they would not offer a lifetime subscription option due to how much money they would stand to lose. As a business, you would only want to offer such an option if it was unlikely that a significant number of players would stay subscribed for that duration otherwise.

(And don't feel bad, I spent about that much on FFXI, too, lol. ~_~)
#12 Jan 14 2013 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
A lifetime sub seems to me to be an initial cash grab, maybe to cover development costs. I don't think the average person would be willing to pay what they would need so we're probably safe from that option for the time being. It's an interesting idea though.

The Show Names thing is cool too, for some reason surnames aggravate me Smiley: motz
#13 Jan 14 2013 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,163 posts
I would like to see a change the the name displays too. /on and /off isnt enough. As that OP => OP said, I want to see mobs but not necessarily everything else. I am very interested to see what they come up with.

Overall, good fins, Wint. Sorry for not saying so in my first post.

Also, I try not to think about how much money I spent on FFXI. However at the same time it did prevent me from spending that money and time on other things, like; alcohol, drugs, other games, CDs, Fast Food with friends on Friday and then to the movies, etc. So maybe in the scheme of things I saved money. Who know. lol
#14 Jan 14 2013 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
WFOAssassin wrote:
I would like to see a change the the name displays too. /on and /off isnt enough. As that OP => OP said, I want to see mobs but not necessarily everything else. I am very interested to see what they come up with.

Overall, good fins, Wint. Sorry for not saying so in my first post.

Also, I try not to think about how much money I spent on FFXI. However at the same time it did prevent me from spending that money and time on other things, like; alcohol, drugs, other games, CDs, Fast Food with friends on Friday and then to the movies, etc. So maybe in the scheme of things I saved money. Who know. lol

Hey, I'll trade going out to eat and a chance of getting diabetes for sitting down and having a chance at arthritis any day Smiley: wink
#15 Jan 14 2013 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
Wint wrote:
The Show Names thing is cool too, for some reason surnames aggravate me Smiley: motz

I feel the same way, and I like that they'll have diverse options in this regard. Perhaps it's because, with surnames, people's names simply seem too long.

I can still remember lots of people from FFXI, even those with whom I only had very casual relations -- people to whom I might /wave when seeing them dashing past me in Crawler's nest or waiting for an airship. There was Wheeltail (love that name lol), Hotaru, Gloomis, and others... now try remembering Hotaru Nabeshin, or Gloomis Aurelion -- it's as though names are partly hidden amongst themselves, lost in a sea of too many names, and therefore somewhat less memorable. Not that it's a big problem, of course; I'm just navel-gazing.
#16 Jan 14 2013 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Well it makes sending /tells difficult, although I doubt show names will fix that. At least they're trying Smiley: thumbsup
#17 Jan 14 2013 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
Seems they fixed the official forums, both my legacy accounts finally can login.
#18 Jan 15 2013 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Wint wrote:
Well it makes sending /tells difficult, although I doubt show names will fix that. At least they're trying Smiley: thumbsup

I'm telling ya, one of these days MMOs are going to figure out how to effectively use autocomplete technology in their chat features and players everywhere will rejoice.
#19 Jan 15 2013 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah I was thinking that in IRC last night, why can't I start typing an LS mate's name (if I'm in LS chat) and hit tab to auto complete it? I might suggest that once the beta starts.
#20 Jan 15 2013 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
As long as it gives me the option to tab through the possible choices, I'm down with that. If I get only one "most likely" choice and have to delete/correct after that, then <No, thanks>
#21 Jan 15 2013 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Wint. I hope you post more of these weekly updates. Very cool.
#22 Jan 15 2013 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I already have a list for next week Smiley: nod

If nothing else it will give us something to talk about other than old RPG's Smiley: smile
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