Category:Lore (WoW)  

Lore in the Warcraft world is the "background story" behind the NPC interactions, encounters and related events within the games. The term "Lore" comes from the various snippets of conversations, quest details, map information and other errata found in their RTS games of Warcraft I, II and III.

This page last modified 2009-04-07 11:59:57.

Articles in category "Lore (WoW)"

There are 19 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Argent Crusade
Arthas Menethil (WoW)
Black Dragonflight (WoW)
Blue Dragonflight (WoW)
Common (WoW)
deathwing (wow)
Frostwolf Clan (WoW)
Green Dragon
Kirin Tor (WoW)
Lordaeron (WoW)
Purgation Isle (WoW)
Stormpike Guard (WoW)
Syndicate (WoW)
the First War (WoW)
the Scarlet Crusade
Warcraft series (WoW)