Category:Clockroach (CoS Race)  

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City of Steam
Clockroaches are weakest against Electrical and Sonic attacks.

Clockroach - The origin of the mechanical clockroach, easily the most common pest on the Mechanism, is shrouded in mystery. Considering the damage that these steel-chewing, oil-guzzling, self-replicating creatures have caused since they emerged in the early New Epoch, it's hardly a surprise that no one has taken credit for creating them. Once a nest is established, clockroaches are nearly impossible to exterminate.

Clockroach Drone (a.k.a. Bladeroach) - Although the people of the Mechanism have centuries of experience fighting the persistent, voracious clockroach, surprisingly little is known about their life cycle. Fully exterminated infestations sometimes rebound in a matter of days, suggesting that true nests - perhaps even hives - lay somewhere beneath. The recent emergence of the fearsome clockroach drone seems to support this idea. The common clockroach gathers resources for the (theoretical) hive, while clockroach drones defend it from prying eyes with razor-sharp claws.

You know the old saying, "for every roach you see there's a hundred more?" Well, this is true of clockroaches as well. Frequently, when you kill one be prepared for 2 to 5 more to appear, usually one at a time. Look for a swirl of twisted, dark strands and the clockroach will portal in there.

This page last modified 2013-06-01 10:41:17.

Articles in category "Clockroach (CoS Race)"

There are 14 articles in this category.


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Axon (CoS Mob) Axon III (CoS Mob) Axon II (CoS Mob)
Bladeroach (CoS Mob) Chemroach (CoS Mob) Clockroach (CoS Mob)
Crudenator (CoS Mob) Cylindricus (CoS Mob) Magmaroach (CoS Mob)
Old Snapclutch (CoS Mob) Ropecutter (CoS Mob) Scythe Scarab (CoS Mob)
Segmentus (CoS Mob) The Borer (CoS Mob)