ZAM's FFXIV Database Hits Open Beta

Explore and help populate ZAM's database during Eorzea's open beta!

Over the last few weeks, we've been giving you, the future citizens of Eorzea, sneak peeks of FFXIV, from our fishing guide to our tips on Japanese sayings that will help out in-game. But now, with the Open Beta phase pounding on our doors, it falls on all of us to make the FFXIV database as robust as we can by utilizing the FFXIV database. Here's what you can find:

As you explore the realms of Eorzea, make sure you check back to ZAM FFXIV for extra information on the items that you’re looking for, whether that’s the Ocean Cloud, the Missing Teeth guildleve, Ursulie the NPC, the Hempen Cowl recipe, or a map of the Black Shroud zone – just simply type in the name of the item that you find and all of the details will come your way. Additionally, don't be afraid to simply tell us about the things you find in FFXIV by shooting us an email.

And remember those tooltips we promoted a few weeks ago? We hope that you can utilize them in your posts on our forums and around the Internet as well. So have at it folks – start exploring the world of Eorzea and tell us everything that you find!


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# Sep 18 2010 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
Hi all just want to no, I heard that you will only be able to play 8 hours a week, Is this true? plz send mail to thank you

Edited, Sep 18th 2010 3:33am by notelpats
# Sep 04 2010 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Put it on my site and love it. Just wondering, can you do a tooltip with abilities? Ive tried to tooltip a few abilities to my site but it doesn't work. Seems only Items and Leves work.
Grats ZAM!
# Sep 04 2010 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, grats ZAM! This is awesome! (And I'm first hehe) :D
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