Talk FFXIV on ZAM's IRC Channel
Users can also create IRC channels for their linkshells or communities.
Itching to talk about Final Fantasy XIV, or are you looking for an online chat room exclusive to your linkshell? If so, we have what you need.
The ZAM IRC Network now features a FFXIV channel (#ffxiv), where you can talk strategy, exchange lulz or just hang out with other adventurers bound for Eorzea. You can even set up a unique IRC channel on our server -- with you as the lead operator -- for your linkshell to use. All you need is your ZAM username and password to log into our IRC network.
First, you need to set up your connection to IRC. Find easy-to-follow steps on our IRC wiki page.
Discuss this in the ZAM forums.
Creating your own IRC channel
Once you’re up and running on our IRC server, you can register and be the lead operator of your own IRC channel! Set up a channel for your linkshell, and you can remain in touch with your in-game friends even while logged out of Eorzea.
How to register your own IRC channel:
- Step 1: Without using quotation marks or brackets, type “/msg nickserv identify ” (for example, /msg nickserv identify cloud66)
- Step 2: After typing the above text, you should receive the message: “NickServ- Password accepted – you are now recognized.”
- Step 3: Without using quotation marks or brackets, now type “/msg chanserv REGISTER #your_channel_name ” (for example, /msg chanserv REGISTER #1337sephirothDen Cloud Discussion)
- Step 4: Your channel will be created with you as the top operator. This gives you the power to promote other members to operator status or to boot members from your IRC channel.
We hope you put this free feature to use during your time in and out of Eorzea!