Hot Thread Thursday
Every Thursday, we pick the hottest topics from our forums and highlight them in this segment. Join the discussions! Tell everyone what you think!
This week's Hot Threads:
Best gear only or need not apply.
Final Fantasy XI is notorious for having players who demanded that everyone have the best of this gear or that, and only use certain main job/support job combination. Some people agree that the actual mechanics of the game are to blame, while some feel like it's just the mentality of the player base or human nature. Whatever the reason, the result ended up being hundreds and thousands of players who looked almost identical because of "cookie cutter" set ups. Can Final Fantasy XIV avoid this phenomenon?
Final Fantasy XI has a pretty strict policy about any form of 3rd party program. World of Warcraft has a rather open policy. Would you like to see Square Enix allow the use of 3rd party programs or add ons with Final Fantasy XIV? To what exent? Will the customizable UI be enough for you?
Ah, the promise of a shinny new MMORPG. Reflect back on all the good times and bad of learning your way around Vana'diel as a new player. What kinds of lessons learned are you hoping to take with you into your new "life" on Eorzea?