Hot Thread Thursday
Every Thursday, we pick the hottest topics from our forums and highlight them in this segment. Join the discussions! Tell everyone what you think!
This week's Hot Threads:
We've been reading for a while about the various disciples and classes that will be available in Final Fantasy XIV. What kind of class or disciple would you like to see added to the list? A reincarnation of the Blue Mage job seems to be popular. So does a gun-wielding class.
Everyone has made a new year's resolution or two in the past. What about a new game resolution - promises you make to yourself about things you will or won't do when you start Final Fantasy XIV? Maybe you were a little irresponsable with your in game money in Final Fantasy XI or whatever game you're playing now. Perhaps you took up crafting right off the bat and everyone else you knew left you in the dust in level.
Planning for FFXIV (Tech thread)
Is your PC beefy enough to handle FFXIV? If not, what kind of rig are you planning to build just to play the game when it comes out? Maybe, in the long run, it's cheaper and easier just to play it on PS3. Or maybe that's not good enough for you.