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Making my final push to 50 as MNK...Follow

#1 Nov 28 2013 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
611 posts
I would normally post this in the job/class section of these forums but, well, there are only 3 post in current existence for MNK.

That being said, can anyone direct me to information pertaining to macros for my specific job. As well, what secondary skills should I be utilizing to prepare for my eventual end-game activities.

Generally, whats tips or advice/suggestions would you give someone in my position.

Again, apologies for posting in general but, I have found and noticed more response via this method. Any information is greatly appreciated. Good luck and happy Holidays.
#2 Nov 28 2013 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
482 posts
Monk is my main in FFXIV and I have recently cleared Turn 1 of coil, so while I am by no means the best Monk in the world, I still figured I could share some of my ideas with you that might help.

For macro's, this is a good one:

It will basically include anything you're going to use in your basic rotations, so all you'd have to do is keep your DOT's up.

As for cross class skills, I'd reccomend getting:

Fracture 80 TP (Marauder Level 4)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Damage over Time Potency 20 Duration 30.

Invigorate 180 s Cooldown (Lancer Level 22)
Instantly restores 300 TP

Blood for Blood 80 S Cooldown (Lancer level 34):
Increases damage dealt by 20% and damage taken by 25% for 20 sec

you can pick two more, so have a read of this guide here and decide for yourself what to get:

I sometimes use Bloodbath and Foresight for defence and self healing. It's not much, but it can help keep you topped up from low damage unavoidable AoE's and it will save the healers at least a little trouble keeping you topped up.

As far as general tips goes, learn to dodge really really well. Since we're melee we tend to stand in a lot of red circles we need to run out of. I quite often use Fists of Wind instead of fire, since it helps move out of harms way quicker. I'd rather do a little less damage than get KO'd :P

That's pretty much it really... at least from my experiences anyway.
Kuyo - Hume Male - Pandemonium server (Retired)
75 Monk, 75 Samurai
#3 Nov 29 2013 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
Always keep your DoTs up: ToD and Demolish. Remember that if you throw up a DoT with a boost (such as Internal Release) and you re-apply the Dot before it wear with no buff then the DoT will not take as it's weaker than the one already active.

This is the single most annoying-as-hell-smash-controller-off-wall thing that happens on Bard a lot. I learned the hard way.
#4 Nov 29 2013 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
611 posts
Thank you very much for the responses. This is very helpful.
#5 Nov 29 2013 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
2,536 posts
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Always keep your DoTs up: ToD and Demolish. Remember that if you throw up a DoT with a boost (such as Internal Release) and you re-apply the Dot before it wear with no buff then the DoT will not take as it's weaker than the one already active.

This is the single most annoying-as-hell-smash-controller-off-wall thing that happens on Bard a lot. I learned the hard way.

If I could rate you above Excellent, I would. I was trying to figure out why sometimes my dots were not sticking when I reapplied them. Thought it was some stupid bug. Thanks so much !
#6 Nov 30 2013 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
611 posts
Another question… when should I be looking into adding augments for my gear. I was under the assumption that I don't need to necessarily worry about it until 50. Again, all feedback is appreciated.
#7 Nov 30 2013 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
I don't really use macros on monk, everything on it is so GCD dependant that using the wrong skill by using a macro can be devastating for dps. The only thing i could see using a macro for is internal release and blood for blood, but even then there are sometimes when using blood for blood is suicide.

FFXI (retired on 2006)
#8 Nov 30 2013 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
chomama wrote:
Another question… when should I be looking into adding augments for my gear. I was under the assumption that I don't need to necessarily worry about it until 50. Again, all feedback is appreciated.

Since you will level out of your gear, you probably don't want to invest too much into what you have now, especially if it's gear that you can spirit bond fairly quickly to turn into materia.

Melding materia becomes a very useful tool for spiritbonding stuff later on. Each materia that's attached to gear speeds up spiritbonding by something like 20%.
#9 Nov 30 2013 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
Here's a little page from Uki's Handbook:

Here's my opening Macro: You'll want to hit the macro's 3-4 times (I know, button mashing, right!) all within 2 seconds so you'll spam the off cool down skills whenever possible.

/macroicon "Dragon Kick"
/ac "Internal Release" <me>
/ac "Dragon Kick" <t>
/ac "Howling Fist" <t>
/ac "Steel Peak" <t>

My second Macro is as follows - you'll note i toss the off skills here, too. Always want to use them when they are up. You'll want to make sure you are moving from form to form, don't assume becaues you have a skill go off it was Twin Snakes. It could have been Steel Peak.
/macroicon "Twin Snakes"
/ac "Internal Release" <me>
/ac "Twin Snakes" <t>
/ac "Howling Fist" <t>
/ac "Steel Peak" <t>

My Third Macro- See a pattern? This is Demolish, your DOT. Always keep it up!

/macroicon "Demolish"
/ac "Blood for Blood" <me>
/ac "Demolish" <t>
/ac "Howling Fist" <t>
/ac "Steel Peak" <t>

Fracture and then Touch of Death. These are on the Global Cool Down so you may want to use these alternating in between moves, I back to back them when I have Greased Lightning II or III.

Then I rotate to Bootshine:

/macroicon "Bootshine"
/ac "Internal Release" <me>
/ac "Bootshine" <t>
/ac "Howling Fist" <t>
/ac "Steel Peak" <t>

I won't paste it- but then I do Twin Snakes again (This is my second macro illustrated above)
followed by my "Snap Punch" Macro (I bet you can't guess what it looks like)
/macroicon "Snap Punch"
/ac "Blood for Blood" <me>
/ac "Snap Punch" <t>
/ac "Howling Fist" <t>
/ac "Steel Peak" <t>

*_*_*_*_*_* A note about certain fights where you need to STUN *_*_*_*_*_*

Remove Steel Peak ahead of time from your macros. It has a Stun effect and you will not be a dedicated stunner (well, you could be.. but thats a 2.0 page from my book)

#10 Nov 30 2013 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
deronguerra wrote:
*_*_*_*_*_* A note about certain fights where you need to STUN *_*_*_*_*_*

Remove Steel Peak ahead of time from your macros. It has a Stun effect and you will not be a dedicated stunner (well, you could be.. but thats a 2.0 page from my book)

Just to elaborate, there is a stun resistance mechanism in this game that affects certain mobs. If you stun the mob when it's not needed, and that prevents a successful stun when it's actually needed, things could go badly. Even if it's not your fault that things went badly, people like to find scapegoats.
#11 Dec 01 2013 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
I don't use macros, I just know my rotations. I don't trust macros as I've had problems with them working in the past due to cooldown conflicts...and other abilities misfiring.

The one thing I would suggest is cool down macros for dots in /echo but I personally haven't set those up yet.

Rockbreaker + perfect balance is great in speed runs/aoe.

I always use steel peek/howling fist when its up, unless I am not supposed to stun.

As far as rotations are concerned, I don't really know what's optimal, I just try to keep all of my buffs up and seem to do OK.
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