KissMyPixel wrote:
It really depends on what job/class you are trying to advance.
The percieved knowledge on Arcanist for instance is to put it into INT (Intelligence).
For a DoW it would probable be a choice between STR, DEX, VIT - not sure if you can add ACC?
As for Arcanist, depends if you're interested in becoming a Scholar or not, in which case you'd probably prefer raising MND and using Cleric Stance for nuking with.
Also, every DoW class has their own concerns. Arc/Brd uses Dex for damage instead of Str, for example. Warriors and Paladins as tanks might want to start with Vit to keep their HP up, though Str can help with damage and the amount of damage blocked, and Dex can help with the frequency of blocked attacks.
Overall, it's hard to say this far and no further with attribute allotment because the final total on your stats depend upon your gear. As you level up, this will change a lot.
While leveling, most people max out their respective damage stat (while healers can use Cleric Stance to nuke with MND), except for some tanks who might prefer Vit to raise health. At endgame, you may want to change this up once your build is more stable and you can be more exact with the distribution, in which case a 10,000 Seal scroll from your Grand Company can help you make the adjustment.