Short story long, I wanted to complete my main as an "Archmage," that is all DoMs to 50. But in order to prepare for this, I wanted to get the cross-class ability "Quelling Strikes" from Archer (which would be useful on Black Mage and better than nothing on Summoner). But that's a level 36 ability, so I'd be at Archer for some time. There was a nifty ability on Marauder called, "Mercy Stroke" that would make the leveling experience all the more enjoyable. But that was a level 26 ability. Which meant that this was the perfect opportunity to try tanking.
My first try in Sastasha was miserable. It's one thing to "know" what to do, but when faced with actually doing it, it's pretty darn stressful. I marked targets, but unfortunately, the group I went with couldn't care less. I was with an archer who just shot at whatever he felt like, even pulling the next group mid-fight. It meant the poor healer got pounded on a lot because I couldn't establish hate properly with what few moves I had to work with, and I really wasn't comfortable with pacing their use to begin with. Even on the final boss, I died right away because the healer didn't heal me at all for some reason, but they still won without me. I felt pretty superfluous.
But that didn't deter me and I resorted to watching a few Youtube videos on how to tank so I could improve my technique. Subsequent runs went a lot better, especially after running through a few times so that you knew exactly what to expect. The nice thing is, there was never any wait. I'd be shocked if more than a few seconds went by without the DF granting access. Needless to say, friends were grateful to tag along if they were at all interested in crawling a dungeon just because getting in was so instant.
I did have to be a "diva tank" once when a summoner I PUGed with in the level 16 dungeon insisted on using topaz carbuncle, and was pulling whenever and whatever he felt like as though it was his role to tank. He had the nerve to complain he was doing it because the pace was too slow, ironically not getting it that it was slow because he was tanking instead of damage dealing like he should have been. In any case, I wasn't there to play backup tank to some stuck up summoner's carbuncle so after a few awkward combat sessions where hate was flying all over the place, I said I'd leave if he didn't stop it, and he replied he wasn't going to stop it. So I left. Ha! [/diva] I'd be shocked if they didn't make it without me, which is probably why no one cared, but I wanted to learn to tank damn it, and all I'd learn in that group was how to do it wrong.
Thankfully, I've never experienced any bad healers. And most of the damage dealers were all to happy to follow the lead. But I noticed if you make it seem like things are running too smoothly, some of them start to get cocky. They'll run ahead and pull things and expect everyone else to clean their mess, and when they do, they only grow bolder. That just gets annoying because they think they're speeding things up, but they're really just dragging things out more as mobs go running all over the place out of control and putting all the strain on the healer.
I haven't found a good way, yet, to get through to people when they start doing this. I've asked them to stop. I've explained why they shouldn't. But they just get defensive, or worse, try to get revenge and sabotage the group. I don't want to get all "respect my authroitay" on them, it's just, the best way through the experience is with the tank grabbing the hate first and what they want to is inefficient and disruptive.
But, I did get Mercy Stroke, and it was awesome on Archer while it lasted. It's a shame I couldn't keep it on Bard, but I'm 3 levels away from Quelling Strikes. And then the quest for Archmage begins! But you know, after the experience, I may just pursue a new character devoted to tanking, after all.