Bwhahaha I'm an emotionally stable Lakers fan (I am). I thought that was hilarious for some reason.
I probably make about 10 Status updates a year on Facebook (mostly about the Lakers when the season is going), and would never post anything Final Fantasy related because I'm the only one in my circle of friends who even plays. My friends do play Magic the Gathering, and we do get together and play indie board/card games like Saboteur, so they aren't un-nerdy.
I post more on Instagram, because as an amateur photographer I think it's fun. I think it's tiring to constantly post status updates on FB, but I do comment on posts, in part, because I think conversations are more interesting than what I personally had for breakfast.
In general though on any site, I don't post much. Heck even on ZAM where I've been here for over 10 years and only have, what, 1,600 posts?
Anyroad the charts do seem pretty spot on...