Been in top 20 US guilds all of MoP, have 99-100th percentile logs for all the fights, some rank 1's as my holy paladin.
Left WoW and I'm looking for a hardcore raiding guild on this server. Exploring my options.
Logs: T14 -
T16 (Some were private) -
Guilds - T14 -
T16 -
I was also in Nerf Dialogue in SW:TOR before the game went to hell.
I do have a group of 3-4 more players, also have years of top hardcore raiding experience / top PvP players from WoW among other games searching for a guild. Classes are as follows:
Paladin / Warrior
White Mage
Black Mage / Summoner
If you have spots for all of us with the upcoming 24 man raid, great. If not then it really doesn't effect anything. We aren't a package deal and we all know how recruiting works in top end guilds. If you aren't good enough, you don't last.
Can find me in game as Handsome Juke, I'm on a lot working on gearing up for raiding.