PowerTaru wrote:
Gnu wrote:
There two things you can do and neither of them are what you want to do.
No you cannot display PC hotbars on screen on PS3.
You can set a keybind for the controller L2 and R2 buttons. Then with some Keybinds for the rest of controller buttons you can use your abilities by pressing a two-button combo.
Also, you can set you Cross-bar to "Toggle". Now the cross bar will stay active and you can keybind controller buttons to set off abilities directly with one press. Toggle takes some getting used to.
Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 6:22pm by Gnu
Fair enough. Thank you for the advice. I hadn't really thought about keybinding to the L2 or R2 for added options.
Ultimately I think I'm just going to have to combine abilities on macros. For instance, combine foresight and rampart with some /wait 90 commands in between.
Partly disappointed that I can't set macros to my keyboard, but also partly glad that I wasn't overlooking something obvious in r menu.
You can make a macro without wait times and just spam it when it is full of Abilities with Cooldowns. Because of the cooldown, the ability will become inactive and it will check for the next one on the list:
/macroicon "Foresight"
/ac "Foresight" <me>
/ac "Rampart" <me>
This will display as Foresight. THe first press will make Foresight go off, and hitting it twice will make Rampart go off. If you are tanking this one may be even better:
/macroicon "Cure"
/ac "Foresight" <me>
/ac "Rampart" <me>
/ac "Second Wind" <me>
/ac "Cure" <me>
So this one you can just spam whenever you are getting hit. It will pop off you DEF+ abilities on the first two presses, then pop Second Wind (level your Pugilist right away for this if you are planning to tank) and then it will just cast Cure over and over until the cooldowns come around.
Now you just need one button to do all the things.
Edited, Sep 24th 2013 11:24am by Gnu