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[DIABOLOS] MXG is recruiting!Follow

#1 Sep 13 2013 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
I am Don. My in-game name is Cyrenia Greywolfe and I am your raid leader for MXG. I have spent 7 years playing WoW as my main MMO. I have endured hard mode raiding and successfully progressed 10-man HM ICC/ Cataclysm within Magnanimous. Unfortunately I was transitioning between Military and Civilian life and could not progress in Dragon Soul/MoP content. I have played other MMO’s like Rift, FFXI, and Tera..

I am posting this in regards to raid times I have set up and my personal requirements for raiding. I encourage communication and posting within this thread for whomever is interested in MXG.

Once I have a finalized group set up I will be distributing my Linkshell to the members. The linkshell will be used for communication purposes during raid nights and for members of the raid. I will try and keep this post short, sweet, and to the point.

Raid times will be Wednesday/Sunday nights starting at 8:00PM – 11:00 PM PST. I feel that 3 hour raids will be enough time to push content without burn out. I do not encourage Friday/Saturday raiding.

Once raiding begins we will start on HM Ifrit and progress until The Binding Coil of Bahamut. We will not see a BCoB raid until we kill HM Titan.

I understand that we will wipe since this is Vanilla content in fact I expect to wipe until we have our I’s dotted and our T’s crossed. This is the nature of progression. What I will not tolerate is “I can’t” or “It’s too hard”.

If you sign up to raid in MXG:

·I expect you to know your job. I should not be telling you what you should be doing or how you should be gearing.

·Consumables (Pots, Flasks, Food Buff) are big part in raiding success. After enduring 7 years of WoW raiding this is what can separates the men from the boys.

·You will be held accountable for all boss mechanics. You are to know this ahead of the designated raid times.

·Be on time for raid. I cannot stress punctuality. If raid starts at 8PM I expect everyone to be on Teamspeak/Vent/Skype/ in-game 15 minutes prior if not you will become a liability to the raids success. Communication is also vital, this includes seeing someone mess up and not saying anything about it.

·Be ready to give me and your fellow raiders your undivided attention for 3 hours. (Bathroom breaks prior to raid as well. I do not want someone AFK’ing mid raid every 5 minutes to Bio)

· I don’t expect you to get along with every person in the guild. At the end of the day we have 1 common goal and that is to clear the content effectively and efficiently.

·Take constructive criticism effectively and efficiently and not personally.

·There will be ZERO tolerance for raid drama. I will address all issues before or after raid.

If you are coming to raid for the sole purpose of soaking loot and then look elsewhere. I want raiders with a progression mindset. I know it seems like I command my ship with an Iron Fist but I can assure you we will succeed. I want to have fun in game and I want to develop new friendships within MXG but I take raiding seriously. I want to progress through the content and see bosses killed just as much as the other guy.

I am listing what is desired below and currently looking for.

I will expect Tanks to have a melee or ranged off-spec. Casters to be swift cast/raise ready

Party Setup:
· Tanks:
Paladin - Full
Warrior - Moderate Need

· Healers:
White Mage: Full
Scholar: Massive Need

· DPS:
Monk: Mild Need
Dragoon: Massive Need
Summoner: Massive Need
Black Mage: Massive Need
Bard: Massive Need

If you wish to join MXG please feel free to post on the forum, in game mail, or email me at with any information about yourself and your raiding history.

Email/Forum posts desired.

I look forward to raiding with MXG, and most of all, you!
Best Regards,

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 7:15pm by Cyrenus
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