KojiroSoma wrote:
I love the game, i love how they designed the zones, but the geography just doesnt make sense. Same for climate, the sub-tropical forest jungle of gridania turning into snowy ice lands with mountains just a few feet to it's north, while there's a desert just one zone to the south.
Edited, Sep 5th 2013 3:34pm by KojiroSoma
i disagree here. Gridania is more forest than tropical jungle first off. Not hard to see it going mountainous and then snowy as you go north. I love how the transition to thanalan's desert is handled as well.
As for the geographic/map qualms, i put that in the category of "I will suspend my disbelief because everything looks and sounds so freakin fantastic"
edit: This is the first MMO in awhile where I truly enjoy just running around with no particular goal. Until I remember one of the million goals i want to accomplish. I need to stop doing that a little and just enjoy the scenery and things.
Edited, Sep 5th 2013 6:07pm by Llester