"In the time period just after maintenance has completed, we predict a rush of characters logging in simultaneously. In order to prevent any technical difficulties due to this login rush, we will be temporarily placing severe login restrictions. These login restrictions may occur frequently, lasting from a few minutes to ten minutes; however, restrictions will be lifted in a gradual manner as login status is carefully monitored. We ask for your patience and understanding in this matter.
Furthermore, as a result of the countermeasures taken to alleviate stress on the Duty Finder servers, we expect to be able to increase the number of players able to login simultaneously; however, if those login numbers still surpass the maximum number of possible logins in the various Worlds, please be aware that we will continue to implement login restrictions."
So apparently they don't want the rush of people trying to log in to blow up a server.
Edited, Sep 4th 2013 10:07am by Strangerous
Edited, Sep 4th 2013 10:08am by Strangerous
Edited, Sep 4th 2013 10:43am by Wint Lock Thread: Not going anywhere.