ShadowofaDoubt wrote:
Khornette wrote:
You are encouraged to run dungeons (optional included) from 45+ to get gears to prepare for end-game dungeons. Yes, end-game content requires reasonable gears to start with (at least iLvl 55 weapons and iLvl 50-55 armours + all accessories you could get your hands on). Going into those dungeons with iLvl 40ish you get from quest will make it harder for everyone to carry you and possibly you/others ragequit midway.
I started ignoring you at ilevel.
I started ignoring people who are obviously undergeared and ragequit midway. Seriously, please don't come to Aurum Vale with iLvl 40, no raise as a BRD and ragequit at Coincounter when it's everyone's first run. I can ignore the iLvl but at least spend time learning it like everyone else, or at least pay attention to what you do and don't draw 2 x more aggro into the fray and rage quit. Strangely enough, didn't have any problem running DF with JP even if they are undergeared and I can't talk to them.
And you can start ignoring iLvl all you want, the end-games are built around iLvl. There is a very clear gear progression.
Obtaining iLvl 55 isn't frigging hard either, Grand Company is all you need if you don't want to run dozens of dungeons to find your gears. There are whole lots of way to obtain seal and you only need to run certain dungeon ONCE to get 2nd Lieutenant after you finish your Main Story, which doesn't require iLvl yet. The Lieutenant weapons are also 1/3 the price it used to be, go QQ somewhere else.
At lvl 47 I could also find FOUR camps with at least 6 quests each. I don't know how could you even miss all those quests because you get the start quests running to those camps for free EXP right after Castrum Centril return cutscenes.
Edited, Sep 3rd 2013 7:09pm by Khornette