Ok, until we officially iron out our forums, I am going to post this here as well as on our lodestone forums. So far, these are the nominations we have for FC officers. I apologize if the spellings are wrong, I was bombarded with tells and wrote as fast as I could.
Callinon Soulforge
Cilia Maroth
Valefor Almasy
Lance FancySauce
Amarok Goodfellow
Ronyn Olorin
Ghost Orchid
Nghthawk Evenfall
Raxion Gunsoul
Boj Bgood
Pryssant Novio
Rhaya Mewrilah
Chewe Dankles
Duma Katosuki
Master Shake
Dare Knight
If you have anyone else you'd like added to the list, post it here. I'll leave this for a couple days, then we can put it to a vote. Please note, these positions will be on a trial basis just to make sure that everyone nominated is a good fit.
Edited, Sep 4th 2013 10:52am by BartelX
Edited, Sep 4th 2013 11:01am by BartelX