worgendruid wrote:
Just ordered a used 250GB PS3 slim, PS2 logitech keyboard+controller, PS2 to PS3 controller adapter, and a copy of FF14. It should all be arriving by the end of the week. So, just a few questions: the PS3 is coming with HDMI cables, but I don't know if it will come with regular component cables. Does this mean I can only play on my HDTV? I have 2 TVs and I'm pretty sure the smaller one doesn't support HD. Any way to check this?
I'm also torn between ACN, CON, and THM. How difficult is it to change between these when you're first starting out? Would I really need to level one to 10 before switching?
Do racial starting stats really matter? I've read that they don't matter as much as in FF11, but what do experienced FF14 players think?
See you all on Ultros :D
I don't think you'd want to play a non-HDTV. I'm sure it would work somewhat, but the text tends to be so small you'll make yourself blind. I found this out back when I bought my PS3 years ago.
You have to play your starting class to level 10. It's not hard to do this, the XP per level isn't that big of a deal with the quests and other methods of earning xp. ACR is basically a warlock class mixed with summoner. CNJ is a healer that nukes some. THM is a black mage, nothing else really.
Racial stats don't matter, pick what race you prefer. Sure they look they matter, but there are other categories like Determination that matter more. I played FFXI for about 8 years and I don't see any huge difference. I often intentionally take off INT or STR gear just to see if I can notice a big difference... nope..