I saunter home through wet streets after an agonizing 48 hours of toil only to be forced -- literally, physically compelled by powers beyond my control -- to press the "0" key.
This I do -- what other choice is there? -- through the pains of not one, not two, but three presses, moving from Start to Character to Confirm. It takes well over five seconds; my night's playtime is already more than half over (I had wisely set aside nearly 8 seconds for this purpose, you see). Yet there's a chance.
To my horror the clouds seem to part above me, grey splitting open as a silvery halo descends over my hunched form like a massive cobweb. No! I think, No! The nascent gates fly open before me, and I step inside Eorzea. Why me? I wonder. I curse. And now I've missed the ten-seventeen. I'm left with no firsthand experience to expound on forums, I'm decidedly 'out' of every in-joke, I have nothing remaining but the world of Final Fantasy XIV, utterly unrestricted. So then all is hopeless.
But maybe not... maybe if I log off I can see it after all. To encounter this error is to unite with my fellow player -- to join a community. But what if it's forever beyond my reach? God, what then? Where is my community, my fellow player, then? But I can't think of that now.
Logging off, I grit my teeth and dare to hope again.