To address this matter, we are currently working on introducing new Worlds and enhancing the performance of the login and match making processes on both the Japanese and North American & European data centers. This operation is expected to be completed at the beginning of next week.
I can't help but notice that there is no mention of increasing the capacity of existing Worlds. To me this would seem to indicate that the current issues with the over population of existing worlds will remain, but there will simply be more worlds on which to create new characters. Perhaps this is simply to allow the restrictions on digital download sales to be lifted as there will be new worlds for new players to populate.
Regarding the existing population issues, there is no mention of allowing world transfers following the "server enhancements". According to Mog Station, the current schedule for world transfers is mid September. Whether or not SE will offer a free transfer I do not know (but I would sincerely hope that they do). I don't know how others feel, but I currently play on one of the legacy servers and don't intend on rolling a new character from scratch.
Do you think the intended enhancements will be the fix that we all hope it will be, or simply a temporary band aid to allow sales to continue?