Hey there, folks. So it's now Day 2 since launch and I thought I'd stop by and post a synopsis to my thoughts so far. This is all very opinionated and by no means important to anyone but myself. Maybe some of you will look at it and smile. I know some of you will flame away like little retards (and I'll address that in this post as well). Either way, this is meant more for me, and rather than make a blog post about it, I felt like it'd be easier and more interesting to make it more conversational than anything.
Accomplishments So Far
I've really enjoyed the story so far leading up to the GC's and the Chocobo quest. I of course call if the Chocobo Quest like that's what it's really called, but that's what I'm use to. I see what people are saying about the voice acting, and while I wouldn't want the launch to have been delayed any just for the purpose of adding more voice overs, I hope in future content releases they'll do more voice acting with the characters ala SW:TOR.
Everything is very polished and refined. Combat is actually really fun. It's hard to blow through the main story line because it actually adds up to being something interesting and really involves you. After completing my chocobo quest I decided to start leveling up Miner. I got it up to lvl6 tonight and intend on leveling Botanist tomorrow. I already have fishing to 10'ish. It's my hope that once they're relatively nicely leveled that I can start diving into crafting and get those up in comparable level to my Arcanist.
Speaking of leveling Arcanist, it dawned on me that I'd not had a single problem logging in today. I logged out 4 times total, and upon trying to re-enter, I never had a single issue. I always went right in. Maybe it's my server (Lamia), maybe it isn't. I'm just glad to see the congestion issue starting to dissipate a little.
I've given thought, after partying with some folks, to try other main classes, too. In my Ifrit battle I fought with an Archer and two other Arcanists. Archer looked relatively fun. I must say, though, the ability to tank AND heal at the same time is pretty useful and fun in a party. I had two invites that started with, "You sure you can do both?"
By the end of the week it's my hope to have all my Hand/Land classes leveled up to at least 10. I will of course continue to do the main story, but I'm not in any rush. I want to be making stuff for the new people on Lamia and start filling up the market board with things. For what it's worth, I really enjoy roaming around gathering things and seeing the sights. I will admit to severely missing the little gathering minigames, but ho hum. This is more convenient.
I wouldn't mind seeing more risk/reward with gathering. As it stood, and I know I'm a lower level right now, I could go anywhere and mine anything within my level. Is it like that in higher levels? Are there certain things I'll need someone to clear an area for me and watch my back to get? I hope so. THAT would make gathering really interesting.
What about you guys? What all did you accomplish today?