When ffxi came out i was 18. I was in college with tons of free time! I played ffxi till my eyes bled out. For about 7 years i played ffxi and i enjoyed it so much!
When ffxiv 1.0 came out i played it as well. From beta and for about 2 or 3 months. I played it hardcore and even if the game was lacking in many aspects i did enjoyed it.
Now i want to play the new version but i'm worried i'm not 18 anymore in college.. now im older, full time job in a good career and a family that takes most of my time. MMOs and specially ffxi require so much time out of you to get anywhere. I do play video games. Normally i play 2 or 3 hours in a day if i am lucky.
Should i just give up on ffxiv and move on. Accept im an adult and mmos dont fit my life or ffxiv is a game i can play here and there and still enjoy ? Does anyone else have this dilemma??
Wait! Something occurred to me. What if i get my girl to play with me. She loves video games too, we play some games together and as long as the game is not violent or hard to get into she will play them to make me happy. You think she can get into ffxiv? Can we play in the pc and ps3 together like ffxi?
Edited, Aug 26th 2013 11:52am by Zzes
Edited, Aug 26th 2013 11:53am by Zzes