I think Duty Finder can be improved significantly, it feels a bit rushed, while it's a great concept that all "modern" MMOs have, SQEnix should make it more impersonal.
Firstly you should be able to have an option to only queue with people on your server, so that you can use it to meet people on your server too. Next instead of shouting in town or your LS for help, maybe each dungeon should have a chat interface for everyone queued or wishing to queue. Maybe you'll meet an acquaintance and be like, ok I'll switch jobs for ya or something, or maybe you'll trade, like you tank this round, I'll tank the next round, and it'd be a great way to make friends.
To be honest, once I queued again as GLD, because I was appalled at how slow it took to queue as the THM I was leveling at the time, I switched to PLD and got a tank right away. Then I went back in feeling bad.
This reminds me of how it used to be though, in FFXI if you had a bit of time to spare you, sometimes perhaps you'd help someone, I don't wanna compare with FFXI since that's neither here or there, but lets look at Duties as they are, there's lots of potential there. I made a lot of friends this way, and met a lot of helpful people who'd I'd one day return the favor.
See my post on the dungeon feedback forum:
http://forum.square-enix.com/ARR-Test/threads/106777-Option-to-link-with-only-players-on-the-same-server - Vote up if you think the Duty Finder needs these improvements
Edited, Aug 19th 2013 2:45pm by SyniteonReflux