Teracide wrote:
Now if I could find a way to remove the skill-cost numbers that's attached to the skill buttons. The little blue number at the bottom of the skill.
Any idea how to do that? That's my final problem at the moment.
I don't think you can remove the numbers.
Ulman wrote:
Also is it possible to move the chat log? I can resize it fine, but I couldn't select it in the hud layout options. Also splitting chat and battle would be nice, but I didn't mess with that too much.
If you're on PC, click and hold the "General" tab underneath the chat window. Incidentally, you can also use that same method to separate the other two tabs from the general window, if you want to see your battle spam in addition to linkshell chat in separate windows. I don't know what the equivalent is on PS3, so hopefully you're on PC. lol