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Question about melding materia and equipmentFollow

#1 Aug 10 2013 at 11:42 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
Hey everyone new to 14 Zam forums and there's something i need help figuring out. I only got to play phase 3 beta for a little while and i mainly concentrated on trying out as many classes as i possibly could but i've been reading up on equipment and materia in general and i have a few questions i was hoping some more experienced players could help me with.

If i understand the system correctly using any armor/weapons in battle "binds" this weapon/armor to you which means you cant sell or trade it to any other players now. My question is if i were trying to meld materia onto armor i had just recently acquired and i lack the skills to do it myself, would i have to refrain from wearing it in combat so i could trade it to a friend and have him meld the materia for me?

Hope this question made sense and i hope someone can shed some light on this for me, thanks in advance.
#2 Aug 10 2013 at 11:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
When you examine another player, one of the buttons on the examine window is "Affix Materia."

In other words, someone else should be able to affix it for you.
#3 Aug 11 2013 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Ah yes, you can have someone else Meld materia to your equipment without having ever traded the item out of your inventory.

Do we get to safely call this innovation?

Edited, Aug 11th 2013 2:45am by Gnu
#4 Aug 11 2013 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
728 posts
I thought of it sort of like the reverse of Jewelcrafting in WoW. Insead of making gems that anyone can socket, you can socket the gems that anyone can make if you have the required craft.
#5 Aug 11 2013 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
59 posts
Gnu wrote:
Ah yes, you can have someone else Meld materia to your equipment without having ever traded the item out of your inventory.

Do we get to safely call this innovation?

Edited, Aug 11th 2013 2:45am by Gnu

It works almost exactly the same as WoW enchanting. In WoW if you were an enchanter and wanted to put an enchant on someone else gear, you had to open trade and that person would put his gear in the "will not be trade" square. Then you could select the enchant and put it on his gear and accept the "trade". The enchant was applied.

Edited, Aug 11th 2013 9:42am by QuickShadoww
#6 Aug 11 2013 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Thanks for the replies guys, so does this mean literally anyone can affix materia onto the gear im wearing? Do they need my permission to?
#7 Aug 11 2013 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
I believe you have to open trade and then there will be an option to affix materia to the other person's gear. Only Crafters will be able to attach materia to gear. Say you have a cloth chest piece that is level 35. Most likely it will say that weaver is required to repair it, thus weaver is required to affix materia to it as well. I believe that you have to have your craft leveled to the level of the item to be capable of affixing though. So you would have to be a level 35ish Weaver or find one to put any level of materia into that level 35 cloth chest. You will also need a special, and from what I've seen gathering, fairly rare material that is obtained from farming dark matter to affix materia. I did a good bit of gathering and farmed a couple stacks of dark matter and still didn't find any of this material.

Now I don't know exactly who is going to have to have the materials in their inventory to repair/affix materia, but hopefully they make it so you don't have to trade the mats to a crafter before they can repair it. I know that in general, very few people will run off with stuff, but it would be so much simpler if the person needing the meld could provide the items via the single trade or something.

Edited, Aug 11th 2013 8:54pm by DamienSScott
#8 Aug 11 2013 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
So are you able to remove the materia once you slot it in some armor? Like if you put materia in a lvl 35 armor piece and now your lvl 50 and want to remove the materia from the lvl 35 armor an then slot it in the 50?
#9 Aug 11 2013 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
I believe you have to open trade and then there will be an option to affix materia to the other person's gear. Only Crafters will be able to attach materia to gear. Say you have a cloth chest piece that is level 35. Most likely it will say that weaver is required to repair it, thus weaver is required to affix materia to it as well. I believe that you have to have your craft leveled to the level of the item to be capable of affixing though. So you would have to be a level 35ish Weaver or find one to put any level of materia into that level 35 cloth chest. You will also need a special, and from what I've seen gathering, fairly rare material that is obtained from farming dark matter to affix materia. I did a good bit of gathering and farmed a couple stacks of dark matter and still didn't find any of this material.

Now I don't know exactly who is going to have to have the materials in their inventory to repair/affix materia, but hopefully they make it so you don't have to trade the mats to a crafter before they can repair it. I know that in general, very few people will run off with stuff, but it would be so much simpler if the person needing the meld could provide the items via the single trade or something.

Edited, Aug 11th 2013 8:54pm by DamienSScott

I thought it was like that too, but you dont get what you need from farming dark matter to meld materia, what you need is carbonized matter, (i think it was matter i could be wrong) the only place i found it was in Limsa Lominsa area i forget what the zone was called, it was a level 20 mineing spot. you will need it for the level 20 guield quest
#10 Aug 11 2013 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
OK, a few things:

1) Dark Matter is needed to repair equipment by a crafter (you can repair with the appropriate NPC for gil as well). This is obtained from Level 10+ gathering nodes (both MNR & BTN - unsure about FSH) - higher level gear needs higher level DM to repair. The requirement is on the item, as it's the item you're reparing (e.g. A level 20 clothie chest will have "Repair: Level 20 WVR" and then below it "Repair Item: Grade 2 Dark Matter" in the item tooltip).

2) Carbonized Matter is needed to meld materia to equipment. This is obtained from Level 20+ gathering nodes (both MNR & BTN, again, don't know about FSH) - again, higher-level materia needs higher level CM to meld. The requirement will be on the materia, as it's the materia you're affixing.

3) As it stands, you CANNOT remove materia once socketed. By default, you can't overwrite it either. There is a quest (Level 29 DoH iirc, didn't get to it in P3) that teaches you how to destroy the socketed materia, to make space for a new materia - but you still lose the socketed materia. This is to promote more item creation, as if you get a new piece of raid gear, you need to a) acquire the needed materia, b) socket it, then c) "overclock" it with additional materia that have a decreasing chance of successfully melding. All this materia must come from spiritbound equipment (and there is no guarantee you get the materia you want when you convert gear), so those crafting classes that usually would hit a static market at a later point in the game life cycle due to saturation (BSM, CRP, ARM, LTW, WVR etc.) will still have a steady market of spiritbound gear farming to supply, turning them into pseudo-consumable crafters.
#11 Aug 11 2013 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
751 posts
carmelita wrote:
OK, a few things:

There is a quest (Level 29 DoH iirc, didn't get to it in P3) that teaches you how to destroy the socketed materia, to make space for a new materia -

I am so happy that you posted this. I was not sure whether there was going to be the opportunity to remove materia (though there was in 1.0) and it was depressing me since all the materia currently socketed to my gear has turned to rubbish with the changes they have made.

SE announced that you could trade in socketed gear with old materia on it but I wanted to keep my items. If there is a quest that teaches you to remove, I am very pleased.
#12 Aug 11 2013 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
116 posts
NightAngel316 wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys, so does this mean literally anyone can affix materia onto the gear im wearing? Do they need my permission to?

You'll have to accept it from what I seen.
#13 Aug 12 2013 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Thanks for replies everyone really helped clear some confusion I had about the whole system, can't wait only a couple more days until phase 4!
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