1. No. they announced that there would be no official translation for this one. Probably because it's crunch time over there at SE as they head into launch.
2. be patient on that one. There was a live translation from Reinheart but it will take some time for someone to transpose it onto a recorded video. The fans usually deliver with this but it is a fan-made project, to it can't be done instantly.
In the meanwhile:
If you want a direct feed translation (keep in mind spelling errors and some dropped lines are in this very rough first draft)
check out this link, this was the translation Reinhart was doing while the video was going on. That man does wonders for us.
If you're looking for a more clear-cut Q and A-
Here's the link to the questions and answers translation from SE. As far as images shared during the Live Letter -
Tank Abriael for a nice little summary, and a large inventory of pictures at the bottom of this page. Enjoy the media!