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Phase 4Follow

#1 Jul 14 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
supposedly it was confirmed that Phase 4 starts August 2nd or 8th... in teh nico nico live stream/blog anyone got a link or confirmation about that?
#2 Jul 14 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
1,649 posts
There's no real confirmation. The Japanese heard it on the livestream and we're just translating it. But it's definitely in August.
#3 Jul 14 2013 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
so the game launches in august... early access also takes place ni august and phase 4 is in august? tahst way too soon that means open beta will be like one week (unlike the other phases which means pvp will hardly get any rea test time) or early access will be 1-2 days early which is hardly signifigant.

Edited, Jul 14th 2013 12:16pm by DuoMaxwellxx
#4 Jul 14 2013 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,649 posts
Phase 4 is confirmed to only be 1 week, and all of the progress you've made on that character is saved for launch. In ways, Phase 4 -is- early access.

They seem pretty confident that the game is ready to go. While I am worried about PvP testing, we do have that week to check it out, and if it's bugged as all hell I'm confident they'll push back the release date to fix it.

Edited, Jul 14th 2013 12:26pm by HeroMystic
#5 Jul 14 2013 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
210 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
so the game launches in august... early access also takes place ni august and phase 4 is in august? tahst way too soon that means open beta will be like one week (unlike the other phases which means pvp will hardly get any rea test time) or early access will be 1-2 days early which is hardly signifigant.

Edited, Jul 14th 2013 12:16pm by DuoMaxwellxx

Someone posted a link here, which was a translated interview with YP. I'm certain he said that p4 is only going to last about a week.
#6 Jul 14 2013 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
while phase 4 is technically "early access" phase 4 is open beta which means everyone gets in.. however early access is a pre order bonus which means only those who pre ordered get in so early access should/will most like be separate from phase 4... heh hopefully it starts a week after phase 4 ends but I doubt it
#7 Jul 14 2013 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
210 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
while phase 4 is technically "early access" phase 4 is open beta which means everyone gets in.. however early access is a pre order bonus which means only those who pre ordered get in so early access should/will most like be separate from phase 4... heh hopefully it starts a week after phase 4 ends but I doubt it

Yes, I was specifically speaking about p4, not early access from pre-orders. I'm certain YP said it's about 1 week.
#8 Jul 14 2013 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
From what I've caught I'm pretty sure I heard nothing about Phase 4 start period, just dates of the last Benchmark (before Launch) and the next Live Letter date. Given timing, Phase 4 isn't till mid august at the earliest since it's only 1 week and early access a few days after that then launch a few days after that.

#9 Jul 14 2013 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
138 posts

Okay, so after reading up the summary-so-far on 2ch, from what I gather it's:

August 1st - Character Creation Benchmark
August 8th - Producer Letter Live, in which they'll announce when the start date for Phase 4 is.

Hence, it will seem that Phase 4 will start sometime after that.

Credits to Stanislaw again for translating.

I personally think it will probably start around the 15th.. but who knows Smiley: smile
#10 Jul 14 2013 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
In my opinion, they should either hold Beta Phase 4 as soon as possible or delay release until they have complete an extensive Beta Phase 4, since from what i gather from what people around the forum and in beta have said, they are holding 60-70% of the games content in Phase 4... yet only one week to test it ? and they still need to separate time for early release.... That is not enough time to test 60-70% of content of a game, the game is coming together nicely, the worst thing they can do now, is to rush towards the finish line, with bugged content and end game content that is not balanced.
#11 Jul 14 2013 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,218 posts
HeroMystic wrote:
Phase 4 is confirmed to only be 1 week, and all of the progress you've made on that character is saved for launch. In ways, Phase 4 -is- early access.

They seem pretty confident that the game is ready to go. While I am worried about PvP testing, we do have that week to check it out, and if it's bugged as all hell I'm confident they'll push back the release date to fix it.

Edited, Jul 14th 2013 12:26pm by HeroMystic

They can push back the release of PvP to fix it. Pushing back the entire game for what is so far a very minor feature wouldn't make much sense.
#12 Jul 14 2013 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
1,218 posts
Ostia wrote:
In my opinion, they should either hold Beta Phase 4 as soon as possible or delay release until they have complete an extensive Beta Phase 4, since from what i gather from what people around the forum and in beta have said, they are holding 60-70% of the games content in Phase 4... yet only one week to test it ? and they still need to separate time for early release.... That is not enough time to test 60-70% of content of a game, the game is coming together nicely, the worst thing they can do now, is to rush towards the finish line, with bugged content and end game content that is not balanced.

Content can be tuned and tweaked as time goes on. It's the core gameplay, client/server, etc that needs to be right before release, and apart from some tweaking of the PS3/Controller interface, the game is ready to go.
#13 Jul 14 2013 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,218 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
while phase 4 is technically "early access" phase 4 is open beta which means everyone gets in.. however early access is a pre order bonus which means only those who pre ordered get in so early access should/will most like be separate from phase 4... heh hopefully it starts a week after phase 4 ends but I doubt it

Yoshi has already said the plan is to end P4, and several days later, start early access. That's how it's going to work. If you do P4 and didn't pre order then you'll be waiting several weeks to play again, if you pre ordered, you'll be waiting several days after P4.
#14 Jul 14 2013 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
Ostia wrote:
In my opinion, they should either hold Beta Phase 4 as soon as possible or delay release until they have complete an extensive Beta Phase 4, since from what i gather from what people around the forum and in beta have said, they are holding 60-70% of the games content in Phase 4... yet only one week to test it ? and they still need to separate time for early release.... That is not enough time to test 60-70% of content of a game, the game is coming together nicely, the worst thing they can do now, is to rush towards the finish line, with bugged content and end game content that is not balanced.

QA team..pretty much all of Square ENIX working on it..? Just because we're not testing it all day everyday doesn't mean it just sits there collecting dust till next test period.

#15 Jul 14 2013 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
im sad my phase 3 character will be deleted .. we had such a good time .. i really enjoyed the game and cant wait to play again .. i think its pretty much ready to launch and im sure that even after launch they will still be tweaking and fine tuning for months and months to come .. it is a huge game
#16 Jul 14 2013 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Guys remember P4 is separate from early access.
#17 Jul 14 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
KarlHungis wrote:
Yoshi has already said the plan is to end P4, and several days later, start early access. That's how it's going to work. If you do P4 and didn't pre order then you'll be waiting several weeks to play again, if you pre ordered, you'll be waiting several days after P4.

Based on what I've read, early access is going to be one week. So the difference isn't going to be "weeks" vs "days" (unless it's 2 weeks vs 7 days).
#18 Jul 14 2013 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
I will be on vacation during open beta (But in Tokyo, maybe I'll try visit the SE studios). I return August 20th. Hopefully for the start of early access. I read that pre-order bonuses are a "first come, first serve" thing, is this true?
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2013 at 7:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes the entire company is working on this game.... Please stop talking nonsense.
#20 Jul 14 2013 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
If I played back at original launch a few years ago but only paid for a few months do I have to buy the game again? If not do I get early access?
#21 Jul 14 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
elevens wrote:
If I played back at original launch a few years ago but only paid for a few months do I have to buy the game again? If not do I get early access?

You do not need to buy the game again, as for early access only legacy players and pre-purchases got it, did you pay 3 months concurrently ?
#22 Jul 14 2013 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
Ostia wrote:
elevens wrote:
If I played back at original launch a few years ago but only paid for a few months do I have to buy the game again? If not do I get early access?

You do not need to buy the game again, as for early access only legacy players and pre-purchases got it, did you pay 3 months concurrently ?

I cant remember to be honest I can probably find that on the SE account page though, thanks for the clarity on buying the game though
#23 Jul 14 2013 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
elevens wrote:
Ostia wrote:
elevens wrote:
If I played back at original launch a few years ago but only paid for a few months do I have to buy the game again? If not do I get early access?

You do not need to buy the game again, as for early access only legacy players and pre-purchases got it, did you pay 3 months concurrently ?

I cant remember to be honest I can probably find that on the SE account page though, thanks for the clarity on buying the game though

I would hope that they would also allow early access to those who bought the original CE.
#24 Jul 14 2013 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
here's a question for you guysso i dont have to make a whole new thread for a release related question. im running the closed beta now will be doing the open beta when it is dropped. so say i have the open beta client when release hits will i just be able to update what is already installed on my ps3 input my reg codes and game on, and if i can does anyone know if i could just use the pc ce digital dl reg code to set myself up on ps3.

basically i want the ce but is no more available for pre order on ps3 which is what i plan on playing on.
#25 Jul 14 2013 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
xfillupurcupx wrote:
here's a question for you guysso i dont have to make a whole new thread for a release related question. im running the closed beta now will be doing the open beta when it is dropped. so say i have the open beta client when release hits will i just be able to update what is already installed on my ps3 input my reg codes and game on, and if i can does anyone know if i could just use the pc ce digital dl reg code to set myself up on ps3.

basically i want the ce but is no more available for pre order on ps3 which is what i plan on playing on.

Yes if you are running beta right now, there will be an update on release that will allow you access the game, as for the PC/PS3 i am not 100% sure, but i believe you can.
#26 Jul 14 2013 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
cool, thanks. if worse comes to worse i will just instal and sign in on my pc 1st time, i just didnt want to have to get a ps3 disc on top of the pc CE.
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