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Scathe - How to use?Follow

#1 Jul 05 2013 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
Hiya, before getting tossed out because of Maintenace I was rewarded with Scathe.

I don't remember that in FF11 - so what is it exactly?
Is it AOE or single mob.
What element?
Is it better than any other spells I have at level 15?


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#2 Jul 05 2013 at 5:11 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I'll make a quick answer to this.

Scathe is a low damage, instant cast spell without any element. It's designed purely to be able to use on the run or while getting pummeled on and interrupt rate is high. Beyond that, it isn't all that powerful.
#3 Jul 05 2013 at 5:29 AM Rating: Excellent
131 posts
try running around in circles while spamming it, I can kill most mobs like that without taking ANY dmg XD unless they are ranged ofc xD
#4 Jul 05 2013 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
Thanks for all the help!

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
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