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Mini Gladiator Tanking GuideFollow

#1 Jun 30 2013 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I figured I would post this to help anyone that might be having some issues holding threat on every mob/boss without problems. I feel the need to especially after running Toto Rak last night and tanking every pull and even the bosses as Conjurer.

When Pulling trash there are usually two or three mobs in a group. Two mob groups are pretty simple, as you can just Shield Lob one and Provoke the other (when you get it). After they gather on you, immediately use flash and then do your Fast Blade > Savage Blade combo on your primary target. After that feel free to use flash again and once the first mob is dead and you begin to focus on the second, you can do the FB > SB combo once and then use FB > Riot Blade to regain MP until it is dead.

Three mob groups can be tricky at times, especially when one of them is ranged. Lob/Provoke one monster and then pull the others to the ranged enemy and use flash. FB>SB combo your primary target and flash again. After that you can FB your primary target and then SB another target to get a big threat increase. Do this again for the other mobs in the group and use flash once more and nothing will ever stop attacking you. When your group starts focusing the second mob, toss a quick FB>SB combo on it and then feel free to spam FB>RB until the group goes down or your MP is full. With this sort of rotation you can hold threat on a full group, even if your party members are attacking separate targets. Sometimes I will Lob one monster and provoke another in a group of 3 for the added threat, however you can also save provoke for any stray/roaming mobs. Once you know the dungeon you will learn where these situations can arise and plan your cooldowns accordingly.

I have only partied with two THMs while playing, but if you have one in your group that has Fire II then you will need to spam flash much more. With their dps being spread out over the whole group, your primary target will be a bit less likely to stop attacking you, so flash spam will be more than enough to keep it's attention. Note that you will want to flash at the start of the fight, then again as soon as possible, and then every time they cast Fire II. You can switch to other targets for a Savage Blade, but it isn't really needed with more flash spam. You can focus more on using Riot Blade to regain your MP.

Bosses are pretty simple to keep threat on. Just pull with Provoke and/or Shield Lob, get into position, pop a flash, and then start your FB>SB combo. If the fight requires movement, feel free to toss an extra Lob or Provoke when the monster is out of range for more threat. For those fights that have adds, have your ranged party members stack near you but not in front of the boss so you can easily flash spam to pick up the adds. Try to remember the timers for the bosses abilities, as they usually use them in set intervals. If you think the boss is about to do a frontal AoE move, wait until it does it before trying to reposition it. And as I'm sure most of you know already, pretty much any move with a charge bar can be sidestepped/ran out of so be sure to be on your toes!

One other topic I want to hit on is Cross-Class abilities and Defensive Cooldowns. You will want to try to stagger out your abilities as much as possible to maximize deamage reduction. I suggest taking Featherfoot and Second Wind from PUG, Keen Flurry from LNC, and Foresight from MAR. Keen Flurry and Foresight work well together. Featherfoot is great for large groups of adds or fast hitting bosses. Rampart is easily spammable and is the only ability we have to reduce magic damage, so it works well on casters. Convalescence is best used when your hp is around half and your healer might be having trouble healing up you or the rest of the group. It works great with Second wind and possibly potions as well. Finally, Fight or Flight has a long cooldown and minimal effect for us as a tank, so I would save it for the start of boss fights or in situations where you need higher single target threat. Note that I didn't take Cure or protect as cross class abilities. This is because cure is nerfed so severely as a CC ability that it isn't worth using. Healing for 50 hp when you have 800 is going to be detrimental to your tanking. You won't need protect or raise in a group instance with a conjurer around either.

Some UI changes might be beneficial for you as a tank and even a healer. For me, the Target bar was too far away from my character/hp and seeing the charge bar for abilities was far too hard, so I moved the target bar down above my HP/ hotbars. Moving the party window may also prove beneficial to you, as it is a bit tedious to have to look to the top left of the screen to see the tiny threat meters on each person's class icon. I have mine to the right of my cross-hotbar, al la FFXI style.

I guess to sum this whole thing up, Use Flash liberally, yet smartly and smack non primary targets with Savage Blades. Regenerate your MP on the last mob or two of each group. Be very aware of your surroundings and try to constantly zoom your camera out/around when you are in a new dungeon. Also, don't be afraid to tell your party members to attack your primary target more or to stack on you when adds pop in a dungeon. Typically adds will beeline it straight for the healer, so be prepared and ready to peel them off.

If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to ask/say them. I don't know how Marauder tanking works yet, but I am sure you could use similar tactics to the same end. Hopefully this will help some of my Fellow GLAs become pimptastic tanks as well! :D

#2 Jun 30 2013 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
618 posts
Don't feel bad, with the groups I was in, when Red (from ls) wasnt tanking trash or bosses in the end of our hatatali runs or in tot-rak I was tanking on Archer. At some point I had to stop attacking all together except auto for the tank to try and get hate back. Good thing i had a endless supply of potions to try and help the healer out.

Think its due to people are still new to tanking and the game or I found a exploit that rips hate from the tank even after letting them hitting the boss fotr 10sec before really start any kind of rotation.
#3 Jun 30 2013 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Nice guide. I ran into some problems tanking with GLA yesterday but I think it had more to do with someone intentionally pulling hate just to gripe. At level 17, there isn't a whole let else you can do other than spam flash and use the WS.

Looks like I need to hit up PUG, MAR, LNC for the extra abilities.
#4 Jun 30 2013 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
I like the tanking as MRD a little better. I got both to 20+, and I don't like Flash as much as I like Overpower, which is an awesome ability. Once you get the Flash upgrade to blind enemies, it's a little more tolerable I suppose.

I hated having to tank a trash group of three with a ranged attacker. It's a pain trying to pull him, but it's not impossible. One thing that would help is if all DPS would stick to attacking only what the tank is attacking. I know it's not an absolute must all of the time, and sometimes it just can't be done, but it really helps the tank keep control of all the mobs in the pull. I've noticed almost all the time, a ranged attacker will not deviate if he is not being attacked by DPS. Even if my enmity skills are not hitting him because he is out of range, he will more then likely not switch off of me if people just leave him the hell alone.

There have been a couple times where a DPS starts getting bashed because he is off by himself whacking on something that he doesn't need to be, and I just let it happen. Learn the hard way I suppose. If mobs ever target healers though, I'm on that instantly. I wish more healers would just stick to healing in an instance. I see too many of them trying to Stone creatures all the time, and I don't really agree with it. I see the attack abilities of a CNJ as just for solo purpose only, and should be completely ignored while in a group instance.
#5 Jun 30 2013 at 7:25 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
Eriston wrote:
Nice guide. I ran into some problems tanking with GLA yesterday but I think it had more to do with someone intentionally pulling hate just to gripe. At level 17, there isn't a whole let else you can do other than spam flash and use the WS.

Looks like I need to hit up PUG, MAR, LNC for the extra abilities.

I was still having a bit of trouble at that level but when you get to 20 it seems a lot better. You will be more comfortable with tanking and GLA's abilities by then. Once you get shield lob and Provoke you shouldn't have any real trouble with threat. Getting a level 15 dungeon dagger helps quite a bit. Once you unlock your grand company, pick up the level 22 gladius from them. You shouldn't have any trouble if you do the whole Fast blade on main target then Savage blade on another target thing. I tanked a dungeon where the DPS knew each other and i believe were purposely attacking different mobs but neither was able to pull threat from me using this method. I found it great fun keeping up with them and I think they did as well. If you do the "rotation" correctly no one should be able to pull threat off of you, especially single target.

Note that I currently have 5 bonus points in STR and 5 in VIT. I don't know if that is making a huge difference or not though.

Grouping with THMs is a different story though, you might have to tell them to wait to cast Fire II until you have used flash twice. It seems like Fire II does more damage than a single flash can hold and it can be hard to keep the mobs attention unless you spam it a couple more times. After that just use flash every time you see a giant pool of Fiery Lava under your feet XD. I'll have to group with more THMs to perfect tanking for them.
#6 Jun 30 2013 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
supermegazeke wrote:
I like the tanking as MRD a little better. I got both to 20+, and I don't like Flash as much as I like Overpower, which is an awesome ability. Once you get the Flash upgrade to blind enemies, it's a little more tolerable I suppose.

I hated having to tank a trash group of three with a ranged attacker. It's a pain trying to pull him, but it's not impossible. One thing that would help is if all DPS would stick to attacking only what the tank is attacking. I know it's not an absolute must all of the time, and sometimes it just can't be done, but it really helps the tank keep control of all the mobs in the pull. I've noticed almost all the time, a ranged attacker will not deviate if he is not being attacked by DPS. Even if my enmity skills are not hitting him because he is out of range, he will more then likely not switch off of me if people just leave him the hell alone.

There have been a couple times where a DPS starts getting bashed because he is off by himself whacking on something that he doesn't need to be, and I just let it happen. Learn the hard way I suppose. If mobs ever target healers though, I'm on that instantly. I wish more healers would just stick to healing in an instance. I see too many of them trying to Stone creatures all the time, and I don't really agree with it. I see the attack abilities of a CNJ as just for solo purpose only, and should be completely ignored while in a group instance.

I'm looking forward to trying out MRD in Phase 4, since I want to experience the Limsa Story Arc. I may end up leveling it next weekend though since i do have two level 15 purple axes XD.

Overpower does seem pretty nice, especially being able to deal some damage and not have to spend MP while generating threat. However I could see the full AoE of flash being superior in situations where adds are running around everywhere. I've only partied with one Marauder tank and he was mediocre at best. I don't think he was positioning very well for Overpower and I would pull hate while healing.

In other MMOs you typically pull melee mobs to the ranged mob and focus casters down first. However, so far in ARR it seems like mobs tend to take their sweet time moving and people attack whatever goes red first.

I do see Archers pulling hate a lot when I heal. I think as more people play they will realize to either attack what the tank is attacking or at the very least attack the closest monster. When I go in to pull, especially in small hallways, I try to get to the side closest to what I'm going to shield Lob. I believe it can subtly hint at other players to attack that target.

There are times when casting Stone is OK for a CNJ, such as on the last mob of a group, but more often than not it just causes issues with threat and keeping HP up. When I heal I will usually cast Thunder and a quick Aero on tank's target and then proceed with my healing duties. I may toss the combo again on a new target if the tank isn't taking any damage, but I typically stay away from stone spam. I tried it in the first couple dungeons but hated having the global cooldown when I wanted to cast Cure.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 9:45pm by DamienSScott
#7 Jun 30 2013 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
The only problem with MRD so far, is that TP dries up usually by the end of a boss, and sometimes while running through the dungeon I'll have to take a break to replenish TP. Overpower is a TP ability, so it all drains the same pool, as opposed to the GLA, where at least you can pop an ether to keep spamming Flash. Its usually not a big deal though.

Does anyone know if there are any pots that replenish TP, I never really thought to look. Or maybe there is a buff from a pot that ups it's recharge rate?

Overpower is nice though, because it shoots in a cone shape forward, so just make sure to position everything in front of you and you'll be fine. How often really do you have mobs positioned behind your tank in a pull to make Flash's circle AoE that much better. I think the cone shoots further than Flash did as well, but I'm not sure on that one. Would have to look at the range of both.
#8 Jun 30 2013 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
I could see them adding TP pots as something Alchemists can make. They did have Icarus wings in FFXI after all. However they could also mess with the balance of the game somewhat. They want it to be possible to run out of TP in boss fights, so they may only be usable in End-Game or something.
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