It depends, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
You can
1) Start fresh and join a preexisting (legacy) world with a 1.0 established economy that will get tweaked a bit but wont collapse.
2) Keep your few month old character or whatever it was when you quit and stay in a legacy server.
3) The better option that sounds like what you want. Start as a new character and join a new, fresh, reset, world that will have ZERO economy and everyone is level one. Now, that world will have vets but they have to reset at level 1 and no money. You might have people who know how to play but you will also have new people that have no idea how to play, starting from level 1, together.
The only outlier for option 3 is the amount of players that create a new character in Beta Phase 4 and Early access. Those players will be allowed to keep their data. A potential month head start but not the 2 years of 1.0 that legacy worlds will carry over.
Make sense?
Sign up
here for the Beta, everyone will be allowed to play in phase 4, with an SE account.
Edited, Jun 25th 2013 2:38pm by WFOAssassin