burtonsnow wrote:
I'm kind of Meh. It takes away one of the great benefits of XIV, playing all the classes/jobs on one character. You can either use it to "balance" your character out, making you MUCH weaker than an already superior starting race at a specific class/job, or you can also use it to "buff" your job/class/race specific stats, essentially making your already superior race at X class/job even moreso. It almost seems as if they gave us those 8* slots knowing the hardcore end game shells would be Racist :P
*edited w/ correct amount of character slots per world.
Edited, Jun 24th 2013 8:12pm by burtonsnow
I'd like to repeat this just for clarity. It should also be noted that in 23 posts, this has come up a bunch of times.
The system is not adequately explained in the game, leading to a ton of confusion about how it works.
Stat points are allocated class by class. Your archer has different stat allocations than your thaumaturge. Someone confirmed for us up there that this is still the case.
So you don't have to be concerned about your conjurer stats gimping your gladiator, that's not a thing. But it does highlight how poorly this system is explained to people.
I'm all for character customization. I thought the merit point system in FFXI was pretty cool, although there were still some clear choices to make, and those COULD gimp your off-jobs (how many hand-to-hand merits does my BLM need again?). I much prefer the classes to be self-contained. I feel like it's the only way a class system like this can really work without feeling like punishment.