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#1 Jun 19 2013 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
So... let me start by saying, I have already equipped my "flame shield +1" so please no personal attacks, I'm hoping to keep the conversation civil... even on subsequent posts 3 pages from now, please no name calling.

Next I'd like to say I truly believe I am a huge critic of this game, I am absolutely furious about some of the decisions they've made... Almost a barrage of attacks upon the hardcore elite MMO players. I think they've taken casual, and said "more-is-better." Nonetheless, I am finding something strange going on here. I think people LOVE this game. I LOVE this game (I hate it too, but I fricking love it.)

I believe this game has the potential to be the next major blockbuster MMO that shakes up the market... Think about it. The game is going to release multiplatform, then right when it's going strong, it's going to release again for PS4.

With the system requirements they've made you can play it on ANY computing device (don't even try and tell me you can't... I have a 4 year old macbook and the game runs as smooth as a Ferrari.)

Here's the part that makes me think it's going to shake up the MMO scene... while I'm in game, I hear people raving, RAVING about the game. You hear isolated grumbles, but for the most part people are excited about this. Like seriously excited... as am I. Which is odd because I thought the amount of dumbed down play they added would be a major detractor from the experience... but I have to say, dumbed down can still be fun if it's done right... and this game is just fun, there isn't much more to say.

I know this is a bold prediction, but I think there might be a new bully on the block who is ready to take on the ultimate giant, "WoW." The time is perfect, WoW is getting old, people want something new... and I think FF XIV ARR might just be the game which is going to give it a run for it's money.

Kudos to SE for taking a disaster of epic, I mean EPIC proportions and turn the dial 180 to give us something which could be a success of epic, and I mean EPIC proportions. Wow, I'm truly impressed by you SE... haven't said that in damn far too long.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:14am by Wint Lock Thread: Waaaaaaay off topic now.
#2 Jun 19 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
1,173 posts
Like most things in this world, the game has good points and bad, positives and negatives.

Let the proof be in the pudding; before we congratulate FFXIV on toppling anything beyond the meager expectations left from the initial launch of the game, let's wait until it actually does it.
#3 Jun 19 2013 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal. Most new MMO's seem amazing at first cause they are introducing new concepts and things to see. Its only after everything is no longer new can you judge the actual quality. So, imo, the jury is still out on this game. Although early excitement is never bad.

And secondly, please lets not already doom this game by hoping or expecting it to be a WoW challenger. That game is an aberration and there will never be anything like it. It'd be great if the MMO community could stop trying to judge every new MMO based on WoW's success and if MMO developers and publishers could stop expecting to replicate that success. Lets just hope this game is a sustainable game for SE and that it will be supported for many years to come. Actual sub numbers or how much money it makes really should be of no consequence to people who don't hold stock in SE.
#4 Jun 19 2013 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
273 posts
Yunchang wrote:
Like most things in this world, the game has good points and bad, positives and negatives.

Let the proof be in the pudding; before we congratulate FFXIV on toppling anything beyond the meager expectations left from the initial launch of the game, let's wait until it actually does it.

Hey I agree... I'm not saying we have the next sure thing on our hands here. I AM saying we have all the necessary ingredients.
#5 Jun 19 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal. Most new MMO's seem amazing at first cause they are introducing new concepts and things to see. Its only after everything is no longer new can you judge the actual quality. So, imo, the jury is still out on this game. Although early excitement is never bad.

And secondly, please lets not already doom this game by hoping or expecting it to be a WoW challenger. That game is an aberration and there will never be anything like it. It'd be great if the MMO community could stop trying to judge every new MMO based on WoW's success and if MMO developers and publishers could stop expecting to replicate that success. Lets just hope this game is a sustainable game for SE and that it will be supported for many years to come. Actual sub numbers or how much money it makes really should be of no consequence to people who don't hold stock in SE.

Agreed. I am simply hoping for sustainable entertainment I had with XI. Give me that and I can care less who the big kid on the block is.

P.S. But I really like your love/hate enthusiasm OP ^^

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 8:07pm by ShindaUsagi
#6 Jun 19 2013 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
Im only hoping for a console MMORPG that:

a) doenst suck (ie is better than 1.0 was)

b) isnt so lacking of content you get bored of doing the same thing before 12 months is up (dcuo.. which you can do everything in 8 weeks then its just repeating teh same thing over and over for gear)

c) not expecting it to b as good or better than FFXI

ARR looks to fit all those criteria so Im happy with the product
#7 Jun 19 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
I felt the same OP! Thought since they made it easyer it would be less fun, but i ate my hat on that one, this game is a blast lol. The main reason i play games is to have fun, so ill be on this game for a hot min!

Iv only played two mmos before this Final Fantasy XI and Dungeon and Dragons Online im glad i didn play more so FFXIV seems super new and cool.
#8 Jun 19 2013 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
611 posts
I haven't played beta but I do feel that Boss-Y has taken the game in the correct direction. However, until the game celebrates it's first anniversary, I will most likely refrain from coming to a solid conclusion on whether the game is 'good'. I recall how much changed from the initial JP release of XI in comparison to the NA release 1 year later. That being said, the way that this team has embraced community feedback makes me assume we will see many tweeks and changes far beyond P4. And for the better! That is what makes me continue to be optimistic...
#9 Jun 19 2013 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
As a game designer myself, I feel that early gameplay should be easy and it should be fun. It gradually gets more difficult as you go on and get used to the game mechanics and then you really reward people for doing the epic fights and hard modes once they've learned the mechanics.

It shouldn't be like FFXI or insert-older MMO where the gameplay starts off tough for the sake of weeding out people. You want to hook them in, and then keep them there with the challenge that comes later.
#10 Jun 19 2013 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
972 posts
I'm hoping things go well for this game too. But, this isn't the only mmo coming to consoles anymore. All the devs saw what XI did in the console space and have followed suit.
DCUO, Defiance, Dust 514, ESO, Planetside 2, probably others I'm missing.
Then there are the new FPS mmo/whatever you want to call it hybrids coming out such as Destiny.

When Google Fiber gets US saturation. The FPS/Action/Adventure MMO scene is going to bust open faster than a hooker trying to get into a millionaires pants.

And I bet Rockstar is going to re-evaluate their stance on the mmo realm.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 8:39pm by sandpark
#11 Jun 19 2013 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
611 posts
The Division did look unreal...
#12 Jun 19 2013 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I think that because it has such positives and negatives, and that it invokes such powerful emotions on top of the feeling of that Final Fantasy magic, is why outright expressions of anger or doubt, is being received so negatively. Not just here, but even on the Beta Boards.

People are upset that some of their favored mechanics are gone or altered, and some annoying mechanics are there. But rather than feeding on that frustration and finding venting or even validation on it, we need to focus on creating ideas, a constructive conversation that generates a list of concerns and possible solutions.

Of course, not all concerns or ideas will be followed. But if one thing can be said that has been proven without a doubt - is that issues are being addressed, in detail. If we provide concise feedback, with enough support behind it, they will consider it. And that's the most we can ask, realistically. In the end it is their decisions that create the final product, and our decision whether or not to accept that product as something to subscribe to. They can't please everyone and sometimes, that 'not everyone' applies to our own views or recommendations. When this happens to me, I try to stretch my comfort zone. It does not always work out, but sometimes it does and I feel better for it. In the end that's a decision we all have to make on the individual level.

But what is important is that we respect each other's passion. I've seen an aweful lot of labeling in the Beta test. "Haters" "White Knights" "Trolls" "Fanboi's" - the usual fare. However if we take the time to simply say "Ok, some things don't excite you like they do me. Or some things excite you that don't excite me." And simply let those people who are excited be so, and don't bring one another down, and don't let each other get boiled over - things could go a whole lot better for everyone.

Right now I cant tell the weekend pattern is really hurting the community, even if it is helping the testing. You pit feelings of concern, anger, excitement, along with your typical gaming withdraws symptoms and you've got a powder keg that's going to explode over and over again. And everyone's pretty much exasperated of all the drama.

Even I've blown my temper when I shouldn't have. >.> *ahem*
#13 Jun 19 2013 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...
#14 Jun 19 2013 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
UltKnightGrover wrote:
As a game designer myself, I feel that early gameplay should be easy and it should be fun. It gradually gets more difficult as you go on and get used to the game mechanics and then you really reward people for doing the epic fights and hard modes once they've learned the mechanics.

It shouldn't be like FFXI or insert-older MMO where the gameplay starts off tough for the sake of weeding out people. You want to hook them in, and then keep them there with the challenge that comes later.

This is maybe pedantic, but I don't think it should be easy so much as it should be challenging while allowing the player to be successful. If the game is too easy, that will definitely create a poor first impression amongst the most experienced players, who are not only likely to write it off, but to tell their friends and internet audience about it. WoW analytics reported that 75% of their new players didn't even make it past level 10. You've got to hook players right away, and when your audience has a wide range of ability levels, that means you need to have challenges that scale reasonably well from early on.

So in the sense that it shouldn't be too hard, I agree, but I don't think any MMOs are in danger of doing that. Too easy is just as bad, and many MMOs are guilty of it.

Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You're both right, unfortunately. Many players will decide to quit after a few days. Many will decide to quit after a few months. Some will keep playing after a few months, but most will fall into one of the first two categories. The problem is that both of these types of players are devastating to the game in large numbers. So basically, yeah, you'll have people who will be done with the game after a few days, but just as dangerous to the game are all the people who are already convinced that they love it, only to be tired of the game three months from now. It's easy to make an MMO that's three months of fun--a successful MMO has to be three years of fun for a pretty sizable part of its population.
#15 Jun 19 2013 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not saying it should be mind-numbingly easy. From what I've played, monsters like Aurelias and toads you begin to fight at level 10 which start teaching that you can't just sit up front and mash buttons and I think that's an appropriate level to start teaching the mechanics for moving out of the way.

Level 10-15 should be the time when some of the basic mechanics should be taught, after the user learns the controls and where they're going.
#16 Jun 19 2013 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know why I got sub-defaulted. I hate that feature on this forum...

I don't believe any of you can honestly say that you trudged through a game you didn't like for more than a few days, unless you were being dragged along by friends.

The thing with MMO games is that people quit very quickly if they're not enjoying it. It's not like a single player game where you might say, "I bought it... I might as well finish it." You're never going to finish the MMO, it just goes on and on, so why even bother if you're not having fun?

I think this is one of the problems with ARR. The vague promise that 'things get better' won't encourage everyone to keep going. The fact is that (especially) the early levels of the game are just mind numbingly boring.
#17 Jun 19 2013 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
sandpark wrote:
I'm hoping things go well for this game too. But, this isn't the only mmo coming to consoles anymore. All the devs saw what XI did in the console space and have followed suit.
DCUO, Defiance, Dust 514, ESO, Planetside 2, probably others I'm missing.
Then there are the new FPS mmo/whatever you want to call it hybrids coming out such as Destiny.

When Google Fiber gets US saturation. The FPS/Action/Adventure MMO scene is going to bust open faster than a hooker trying to get into a millionaires pants.

And I bet Rockstar is going to re-evaluate their stance on the mmo realm.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 8:39pm by sandpark

It is an interesting point to note that as MMORPGs are becoming less difficult to play with a large emphasis on solo play, MMOFPS/adventure games are become increasingly sophisticated, with a much higher emphasis on cooperative play.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 10:47pm by Parathyroid

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 10:49pm by Parathyroid
#18 Jun 19 2013 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
I don't know why I got sub-defaulted. I hate that feature on this forum...

I don't believe any of you can honestly say that you trudged through a game you didn't like for more than a few days, unless you were being dragged along by friends.

The thing with MMO games is that people quit very quickly if they're not enjoying it. It's not like a single player game where you might say, "I bought it... I might as well finish it." You're never going to finish the MMO, it just goes on and on, so why even bother if you're not having fun?

I think this is one of the problems with ARR. The vague promise that 'things get better' won't encourage everyone to keep going. The fact is that (especially) the early levels of the game are just mind numbingly boring.

Your problem is you just can't accept that people might actually be having fun with this game, regardless of future promises.
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jun 19 2013 at 8:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You know, I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the community here rating sh*t down to sub-default... most often because it's a person you perceive as being negative.
#20 Jun 19 2013 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Parathyroid wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You know, I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the community here rating sh*t down to sub-default... most often because it's a person you perceive as being negative.

I completely agree with this sentiment. I don't know anyone who says "this game blows a$$ but you know what, I'm going to give it 3 weeks to decide if it sucks..." That just doesn't happen. But since Killua said it, rate down... sub-default.

You are #12321839210749807549031845901839012839012 in line to complain about karma. Don't PM me when it bites you in the ***, I'm sick of people ******** about the system. Love it or hate it, it is not going anywhere.
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jun 19 2013 at 8:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First of all I didn't complain about karma, second of all it didn't bit me in the ***.
#22 Jun 19 2013 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Kachi wrote:
UltKnightGrover wrote:
As a game designer myself, I feel that early gameplay should be easy and it should be fun. It gradually gets more difficult as you go on and get used to the game mechanics and then you really reward people for doing the epic fights and hard modes once they've learned the mechanics.

It shouldn't be like FFXI or insert-older MMO where the gameplay starts off tough for the sake of weeding out people. You want to hook them in, and then keep them there with the challenge that comes later.

This is maybe pedantic, but I don't think it should be easy so much as it should be challenging while allowing the player to be successful. If the game is too easy, that will definitely create a poor first impression amongst the most experienced players, who are not only likely to write it off, but to tell their friends and internet audience about it. WoW analytics reported that 75% of their new players didn't even make it past level 10. You've got to hook players right away, and when your audience has a wide range of ability levels, that means you need to have challenges that scale reasonably well from early on.

So in the sense that it shouldn't be too hard, I agree, but I don't think any MMOs are in danger of doing that. Too easy is just as bad, and many MMOs are guilty of it.

Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You're both right, unfortunately. Many players will decide to quit after a few days. Many will decide to quit after a few months. Some will keep playing after a few months, but most will fall into one of the first two categories. The problem is that both of these types of players are devastating to the game in large numbers. So basically, yeah, you'll have people who will be done with the game after a few days, but just as dangerous to the game are all the people who are already convinced that they love it, only to be tired of the game three months from now. It's easy to make an MMO that's three months of fun--a successful MMO has to be three years of fun for a pretty sizable part of its population.

Fun is after all a transitory feeling. What is a barrel full of monkeys today can be a barrel full of crap 2 weeks from now... so you're right, the content will have to latch onto us not only today but keep providing a challenge or a deep sense of reward for accomplishments years from now.
#23 Jun 19 2013 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Parathyroid wrote:
Wint wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You know, I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the community here rating sh*t down to sub-default... most often because it's a person you perceive as being negative.

I completely agree with this sentiment. I don't know anyone who says "this game blows a$$ but you know what, I'm going to give it 3 weeks to decide if it sucks..." That just doesn't happen. But since Killua said it, rate down... sub-default.

You are #12321839210749807549031845901839012839012 in line to complain about karma. Don't PM me when it bites you in the ***, I'm sick of people ******** about the system. Love it or hate it, it is not going anywhere.

First of all I didn't complain about karma, second of all it didn't bit me in the ***.

I complained about people rating things down to oblivion when it's a 100% valid statement.

When did I PM you about it biting me in the ***? If you were talking to me anyway... I assume you are considering you quoted me.

This is theoretical of course. By saying the karma here irritates you that seems to me to be complaining, sorry if I misinterpreted it. It's 100% valid to YOU, but someone might disagree, and while I think they should have to justify their rating, that's not a requirement at this point.
#24 Jun 19 2013 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Wint wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
Wint wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You know, I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the community here rating sh*t down to sub-default... most often because it's a person you perceive as being negative.

I completely agree with this sentiment. I don't know anyone who says "this game blows a$$ but you know what, I'm going to give it 3 weeks to decide if it sucks..." That just doesn't happen. But since Killua said it, rate down... sub-default.

You are #12321839210749807549031845901839012839012 in line to complain about karma. Don't PM me when it bites you in the ***, I'm sick of people ******** about the system. Love it or hate it, it is not going anywhere.

First of all I didn't complain about karma, second of all it didn't bit me in the ***.

I complained about people rating things down to oblivion when it's a 100% valid statement.

When did I PM you about it biting me in the ***? If you were talking to me anyway... I assume you are considering you quoted me.

This is theoretical of course. By saying the karma here irritates you that seems to me to be complaining, sorry if I misinterpreted it. It's 100% valid to YOU, but someone might disagree, and while I think they should have to justify their rating, that's not a requirement at this point.

Understood and I agree... You know the problem with forums is you can say something and mean it come out one way, yet 80% of the time if you aren't a master of the written word it makes you sound like an a$$hole, even if you didn't mean it to sound that way.

I meant to say, I just feel like people like Killua et al, get rated down before the person even takes a half second to consider the point they're making.

I just think a little prudence can be applied sometimes.

It's not like karma affects anything on a grand scale anyway so a "justification" is probably (almost certainly) not needed. It really just shows who doesn't stir the pot over a LARGE sample of posts Smiley: smile, and has mostly nice and happy things to say! No one, and I mean no one who says controversial things, has Guru status karma.

Edit: Also it's not the karma that annoys me, it's that Killuas entirely benign comment gets essentially removed the forum just because people have a grudge with him... Albeit, your point is taken.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 11:18pm by Parathyroid
#25 Jun 19 2013 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
People are going to rate him down on principle rather than evaluating what he's said, and frankly he's bought and paid for that over and over again. If I could change it I would but frankly when you post like he does you're begging for rate downs here.
#26 Jun 19 2013 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Wint wrote:
People are going to rate him down on principle rather than evaluating what he's said, and frankly he's bought and paid for that over and over again. If I could change it I would but frankly when you post like he does you're begging for rate downs here.

Fair enough! Didn't mean to insult you/ZAM by the way, I respect what the mods and all that goes on here... I just want that to be known.
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