I am new (even thought I've been reading posts about everything since last year) and I have finally come across something that I need more of an elaboration on. I haven't been able to find the answer myself, and there is a possibility that this answer is out there and I just happened to miss it. If that is the case I am extremely sorry. So here it is:
I know your starting area is dependent on which class you choose.
If I read everything correctly at lvl 10 you can change classes and lvl 15 you can go anywhere and dungeons open...
In FFXi there were missions specific to starter cities (if I'm not mistaken) which in that case if you and a friend where playing together and started in different cities you could not do the city specific missions together but you could participate in the battle...correct? <.... sorry if I'm wrong on this
How will FFXIV play out? Will there be city specific quests after lvl 15 or is it more like WoW where you do all the fun starter stuff to get you good and acquainted with the game then everything melds together. I hope I am making sense.
The major thing is I want to start as a Conjurer to go for WHM my friend wants to start as a PUG to go for MNK, once we reach lvl 15 where we can meet and form a party we should be able to do everything together or will there still be quests that are specific to where we started?
Thanks in advance for any help and answers I get for this.