I read six's comments, and I felt a little confused... I grinded my butt off in that weekend we had, and I only got to a 17 Marauder with an Airship pass, and still didn't get to truly see the other cities... The way you sound, you sound as if you played a little, ran around a little, didn't have gil for gear, didn't like the gear options, and just said to yourself this is average... I was gonna let this post slide because it seems like others have pointed out to you how I feel about the situation, and have covered it nicely, but I felt this had to be said for others, and you to hear.
What I experienced in that beta was pure hard work by Yoshi P... I saw a struggle to level.(which I liked high xp numbers) I saw lustrous environments, and many many many quests to complete. I saw a world with vision, and I just question myself did you get to the hunter's log, did you get high enough to get in on those nice fate battles where you meet strangers fighting together? Did you craft anything? Did you do any story missions? Did you get to the mission where you had to fight the raptors, and everyone was patiently waiting till others pops, and were helping out? The adventure of running through the new lands to figure stuff out...
These are the things that make an MMO tight... The little moments out in the field when you meet people. I had my doubts, I played FFXI for 7 years, and I didn't think that magic could be recreated... I was wrong, I had my doubt about FATE's, but 300 of them just at launch? That's a lot of FATE's. Then on top of that, most of us just kinda saw our starting city(which was beautiful), and the same classes running around, until people started traveling to new lands. Hell, I just got to my level to be able to beta test more areas, and more dungeons, witness parties, and guild leves.
Now, I was on a fresh server. I don't know if you were a 1.0 player, and you had a job to do all the later level stuff, but I believe if you did, you wouldn't be trying to ask questions like can I return my pre-order. And if you didn't have a high level job to start, you really didn't see much to form that kind of opinion about the overall state of the game in 2 days. And.... I think we were confused by you stating that comment about returning the game, and then in the same post say at the end, you "hope your wrong"... That was kinda confusing to me. Plus... "major rework"? What kind of major rework? Saying a game needs "major" rework, and only have 3-4 things that your not satisfied with doesn't constitute a major rework... I was suckered into posting in this thread like the rest of us, cause your probably laying on the couch sleep while i'm typing this. LOL
I think you should give the game another chance... Beta test some things you wouldn't normally do, and get in touch with the game as a whole, and what Yoshi-P and the team are trying to pull off and accomplish. I'm by no way saying the game is the best and is perfect, but will it survive? I think so... remember, this is the beta and not even all the areas are open... and... This is the first part of the game... there will be plenty of updates leading up to its first expansion. Plenty more jobs, plenty more future reasons that will later explain the reasons they did certain things now... This is a game that I wouldn't say you could judge until you at least hit level 30 and 15 on multiple classes, and you obtain your first jobs, and really see how things are done. And this is a person who's first experience was this weekend. Only better things will come my friend... :)
Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:05pm by SirLuciousLeftfoot