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First ImpressionsFollow

#177 Jun 16 2013 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
supermegazeke wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
I'm a total fanboy at this point. XIV seems like a strange breed of XI, XII, and XIV and I love it. The graphics, colors, very active vibrant world, the FATE, the community, the Story (which is really cinematic for a MMO a la offline FF style), the customization in menus, UI, chat, display names (surprisingly deep for something seemingly so simple), and the precise way that they have divided the control scheme depending on selection of input. I have very high hopes right now and will be subbing the crap out of it at launch.

It reminds me of FFXII as well. I believe it's because of the little aggro lines and target lines that come up in combat. Also the division of zones is also the same as XII with the little lines of colored orbs. Maybe that's why I like this game. I loved XII, more than any of the FF's after VII. XIII's combat was good, but the story was kinda weak.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 7:43pm by supermegazeke

Well, just like XII I turned the aggro lines off because I feel like they are lame. It is the story, the rebellion, the empire, the towns, music, art style, etc. Ul'dah actually reminds me of Rabanastre
#178REDACTED, Posted: Jun 16 2013 at 5:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sub-default eh? Did I **** in someones cereal or something?
#179 Jun 16 2013 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
You disliked something about the game, be surprise if people don't karma camp your posts from now on Smiley: lol
#180 Jun 16 2013 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
740 posts
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."
#181 Jun 16 2013 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
BayouGeorge wrote:
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."

And thus Art mimics Life!

#182 Jun 16 2013 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
751 posts
Ostia wrote:
You disliked something about the game, be surprise if people don't karma camp your posts from now on Smiley: lol

My Karma was annihilated during the release of Version 1 because I quite liked certain aspects of it. Karma here seems to be about whether or not the masses agree with you rather than whether you are trying to construct a reasonable argument.Then it is a bit of a popularity contest where new kids aren't really allowed to post without getting rated down.

Case in point: I posted a joke referencing Inspector Gadget on one of these forums and got rated down (initially) to sub-default. People explaining my joke got rated up to excellent. When I pointed this out people must have felt guilty as the joke got rated back up to excellent.

Summary - if you are popular and post against the consensus view, thats ok.
If you are new/unpopular/not one of the cool kids and post against the consensus - expect to be karma bombed.
#183 Jun 16 2013 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
BayouGeorge wrote:
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."

Oh nice, I didn't realize the small talk dialog could change, especially not in real time based on environmental effects.

I'm having fun with the jump function, deliberately trying to climb things that I probably ought not to be climbing. I've been jumping all over the place in Ul'Dah. Haven't found any easter eggs yet, but did get stuck behind a barrel at one point and was afraid I'd gotten trapped. I got out easily, though. I just like how much of the world is interactive in little ways - I was able to walk along the top of a brick wall.

And when I was in..... erf, I forgot what the name of that port is in western thanalan.... There is an NPC sitting inside the mansion at his desk. You walk in, and he just stares at you. Never says a word, but his face follows you as you move around the room. He doesn't have to say anything, you get the message: GTFO you lowly adventurer.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 8:30pm by Catwho
#184 Jun 16 2013 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
BayouGeorge wrote:
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."

Oh nice, I didn't realize the small talk dialog could change, especially not in real time based on environmental effects.

I'm having fun with the jump function, deliberately trying to climb things that I probably ought not to be climbing. I've been jumping all over the place in Ul'Dah. Haven't found any easter eggs yet, but did get stuck behind a barrel at one point and was afraid I'd gotten trapped. I got out easily, though. I just like how much of the world is interactive in little ways - I was able to walk along the top of a brick wall.

And when I was in..... erf, I forgot what the name of that port is in western thanalan.... There is an NPC sitting inside the mansion at his desk. You walk in, and he just stares at you. Never says a word, but his face follows you as you move around the room. He doesn't have to say anything, you get the message: GTFO you lowly adventurer.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 8:30pm by Catwho

Silver something is called i think ? Or was it towards the north part past black brush ?
#185 Jun 16 2013 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Ostia wrote:
You disliked something about the game, be surprise if people don't karma camp your posts from now on Smiley: lol

Rule number one about Karma.

Because sometimes you just got to.
#186 Jun 16 2013 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
HallieXIV wrote:
Summary - if you are popular and post against the consensus view, thats ok.
If you are new/unpopular/not one of the cool kids and post against the consensus - expect to be karma bombed.

I would consider the people who camp my karma to be fans Smiley: grin
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#187 Jun 16 2013 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
ShindaUsagi wrote:
BayouGeorge wrote:
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."

And thus Art mimics Life!

That is so funny!

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#188 Jun 16 2013 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
1,910 posts
My first impressions: the first 15 levels, for the most part, is a whirlwind. As THM in Ul'dah the game lead you by the nose a bit, but because I wanted to tear though content to test out systems and areas I didn't sink my teeth into the quests; I barely read them. That's my fault, but I felt that was my job--not to edit copy. I didn't get to play much, had a music festival to go to and then Father's Day, and only got one class to 15 but I really did enjoy what I did experience: FATE was a joy, reminded me of how much fun I had in Rift (but I would like a party to form to make the process smoother); THM has a cool risk/reward mechanic with the way it balances damage against your MP pool; I wish there was an instant cast spell earlier as claiming became really difficult in cluttered starting areas; I think the world looked great--Ul'dah and Thanalan never looked so busy; I liked that money had value and that you could easily supplement your gear with decently priced equipment from vendors.

I didn't really like how frenetic FATE can be from a random participant standpoint; as a THM with 2.5 second cast bars many times I'd spend more time trying to find a target I could cast at before the mob was killed before I could finish a spell (mostly due to how packed the starter areas were). I would prefer questing to be a bit less on rails than it was, but I didn't get very far and the pacing that they were at kept you moving right along until level 15, so perhaps that was intended so you can quickly get your feet. Also, small issue, but at just about the end of every spell's cast bar it would hitch like it was spell pushback but appeared to simply be a graphical issue.

I wish that I could have had more time to play, so I could have experienced more. Next round I think I'll be able to dig in.
#189 Jun 16 2013 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
I honestly don't read the post count number before I hit the up or down arrow. Nor the name in most cases. I prefer to let comments speak for themselves.

I'll grudgingly rate someone up even if I disagree with them when I feel that their post was made in a well-informed, polite, and logical manner. Unfortunately, unless someone has taken a formal debate class or has been posting on the Internet for a decade, they have trouble getting the 1-2-3 combo of those things.
#190 Jun 16 2013 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
I forgot to add that I did enjoy the little crafting/gathering that I did. Mining was a little "eh" because I was used to the old system of not knowing what you were going to get. It's not that I don't like a little more information, but a little surprise wouldn't hurt. Goldsmithing was fine, they really streamlined the process. I like that I don't have to find 6 components to craft low-level items, I like that the crafting process was faster (making ingots took two successes instead of 4+) and that as you got higher in level the lower level items completed quicker. I didn't get past level 5, but I didn't hate what I saw so that's a good thing! :)
#191 Jun 16 2013 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
LdyVaJedi wrote:
Technically red mage isn't a back line job. The players made it back line. I hope that when it does come to XIV that the players don't do it redmage.

RDM's evolution in XI was basically a mix of bad luck and neglect. For when the cap was 50, it might've been a decent hybrid. However, since playing the role of healer isn't as popular as a damage dealer, parties were desperate for healers. RDMs had native cures. As such, you're a healer now! Add Refresh, the illusion of infinite MP when paired with Convert (totally party dependent there), and the tendency to fight mobs that needed Dispel, and it's basically no surprise why RDM got stuck in the back. You had no hope of maintaining your MP if you stayed in the front not resting between fights (and losing TP prior to Signet adjustments). From there, the elemental staves were probably one of the worst balance choices SE made without adding sword/dagger counterparts at various level ranges. Understandably, since swords and daggers were terrible weapons in the early days with RDM lacking certain WS, taking the place of a DD just never happened. So, it wasn't so much people didn't want to play RDM more as it should've been conceptually, SE just dropped the ball on promoting it while discouraging bad behaviors from players.

So, while a rough summary, and certainly more I could elaborate on, my comment on irony was basically the SCH of FFXI now is the RDM the backline only crowd craves. Better nukes. Better cures. Better JAs. It can do things RDM can't do. It can sub RDM and get the vast majority of its enfeebles where tiers don't make much of a difference. Try to point this out and you get those who refuse to accept it. Or in my case, get a half dozen people on BG who decide to camp and troll, with one person utterly fabricating a play experience with me just because they wanted to be one of the cool kids. Either way, it's all struck me as a giant neon sign for the job needing help, but it simply never comes because of either the naysayers or the situation created via the years of neglect. So, on that end, I'm almost glad SCH is coming first in XIV, even if different. I just seriously hope Yoshi remembers that WAR is part of that WHM and BLM mix in paying homage to the job concept.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#192 Jun 16 2013 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Krycis wrote:
My first impressions: the first 15 levels, for the most part, is a whirlwind. As THM in Ul'dah the game lead you by the nose a bit, but because I wanted to tear though content to test out systems and areas I didn't sink my teeth into the quests; I barely read them. That's my fault, but I felt that was my job--not to edit copy. I didn't get to play much, had a music festival to go to and then Father's Day, and only got one class to 15 but I really did enjoy what I did experience: FATE was a joy, reminded me of how much fun I had in Rift (but I would like a party to form to make the process smoother); THM has a cool risk/reward mechanic with the way it balances damage against your MP pool; I wish there was an instant cast spell earlier as claiming became really difficult in cluttered starting areas; I think the world looked great--Ul'dah and Thanalan never looked so busy; I liked that money had value and that you could easily supplement your gear with decently priced equipment from vendors.

I didn't really like how frenetic FATE can be from a random participant standpoint; as a THM with 2.5 second cast bars many times I'd spend more time trying to find a target I could cast at before the mob was killed before I could finish a spell (mostly due to how packed the starter areas were). I would prefer questing to be a bit less on rails than it was, but I didn't get very far and the pacing that they were at kept you moving right along until level 15, so perhaps that was intended so you can quickly get your feet. Also, small issue, but at just about the end of every spell's cast bar it would hitch like it was spell pushback but appeared to simply be a graphical issue.

I wish that I could have had more time to play, so I could have experienced more. Next round I think I'll be able to dig in.

Couple of comments here:

  • The level 15 THM quest reward is Scathe, which is instant cast. It's weaker in strength than Blizzard and Fire though.
  • If your goal for FATEs is just credit, once you get Blizzard II, nothing else really matters. Walked into a FATE in Western Thanalan near the end that forced me to sync down to 15 from 16. Cast Blizzard II twice, FATE ended, got 4 digit XP.

#193 Jun 16 2013 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
I got the play RDM for the first time in nearly two years when I broke it out for the peiste fight in Morimar Basalt Fields. Thankfully, my out-of-date gear had a fully functional enfeebling set, and I was able to land Blind on the peiste without any resists until near the end of the fight.

RDM is still a back line healer in that fight, though.
#194 Jun 16 2013 at 8:38 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
I can't speak to much only the content I have experienced. I played XIV from launch all the way up until the servers went down. I've been in every phase of alpha and beta (except first phase alpha which was JP only). I'm a casual gamer I can only play for brief stints in the evening or for a couple hours on the weekends.

Since alpha I have seen a definite progression. Even from phase 2 to the current state in phase 3 there has been some massive improvements. I have actually been trying to put my finger on what exactly changed. It feels more polished, more fun and well... Better at the start of each phase. I'm still not sold on the battle system but I admittedly have yet to get a character past level 30.

In the my adventuring this weekend I played ARC and got it to 15. I had played ARC previously and wanted to get a feel for the game with all the cutscenes previously hidden. What I found was what I had hoped for all along. The story that Yoshi and his team have begun weaving already has me dying to know more. As I said in some other recent posts. I've done a fair amount of gaming, the older I get the more I realize many of the mechanics in each of the gaming genres are all the same. Usually, there is some unique and un-impressive twist but at the core it is the same. I am not trying to minimize the need for solid and fun mechanics. Innovation doesn't always mean reinventing the wheel or adding complexity often it is just simplifying something that already works and making it better.

All I want is to be told a compelling story. Make me believe it. Make me wish I were there instead of here. I want to experience the 'Fantasy'. That my friends is why I have been coming back to Squaresoft and now SE for nearly 2 decades.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#195 Jun 16 2013 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Catwho wrote:

And when I was in..... erf, I forgot what the name of that port is in western thanalan.... There is an NPC sitting inside the mansion at his desk. You walk in, and he just stares at you. Never says a word, but his face follows you as you move around the room. He doesn't have to say anything, you get the message: GTFO you lowly adventurer.

Can you see his facial expressions? Otherwise you could interpret it as being creep or a pervert too. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 11:06pm by sandpark
#196 Jun 16 2013 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
Ravashack wrote:

Couple of comments here:

  • The level 15 THM quest reward is Scathe, which is instant cast. It's weaker in strength than Blizzard and Fire though.
  • If your goal for FATEs is just credit, once you get Blizzard II, nothing else really matters. Walked into a FATE in Western Thanalan near the end that forced me to sync down to 15 from 16. Cast Blizzard II twice, FATE ended, got 4 digit XP.

It likely had to do with the number of players in the area, but quest mobs were tough to claim compared to the melee in the area. I ended up just helping them kill the mobs so I could get them to cycle out so I could get the next wave. Scathe earlier would have been a help, even if it was on a longer recast timer. Claims in FATE don't matter and I did fine as it was (all golds, except one silver when I died to double agro). It was just difficult to get casts off some times as mobs would die so fast it was like trying to play whack a mole with mobs above half health. Again that has to do with pop density, but even in small groups when the mobs health aren't scaled you can find yourself wasting cast bars. Naturally with Scathe and the quick cast trait the THM has tools down the line to counter these issues, but a starting THM will have to contend with them.
#197 Jun 17 2013 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Catwho wrote:
BayouGeorge wrote:
It really is the small touches that make a difference. I got a message of a fate starting nearby and went to join in, involved killing efts in a river. On the way there, I passed an npc fisherman who complained in a pop up bubble about how he "Couldn't fish because of all the damned efts." After it was over, on my way back, passed him again. This time he was complaining because "All the dead eft bodies are poisoning the water."

Oh nice, I didn't realize the small talk dialog could change, especially not in real time based on environmental effects.

I'm having fun with the jump function, deliberately trying to climb things that I probably ought not to be climbing. I've been jumping all over the place in Ul'Dah. Haven't found any easter eggs yet, but did get stuck behind a barrel at one point and was afraid I'd gotten trapped. I got out easily, though. I just like how much of the world is interactive in little ways - I was able to walk along the top of a brick wall.

And when I was in..... erf, I forgot what the name of that port is in western thanalan.... There is an NPC sitting inside the mansion at his desk. You walk in, and he just stares at you. Never says a word, but his face follows you as you move around the room. He doesn't have to say anything, you get the message: GTFO you lowly adventurer.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 8:30pm by Catwho

Smiley: lol The game is really nice on that aspect, i admit i didn't notice both of that.

As for easter eggs there are a lot that i noticed in the form of quest names like the one that i remember right now the "I believe you can fly" ring any bells?

At general though i must say i also liked the community in the cactuar server. I was playing in Uldah and i had people helping me kill mobs if they were nearby and of course i did the same!

One good aspect Yoshi fixed from phase 2 is that now if you help a person kill his mob you also take credit for it like for hunters log or for your quest objectives so it's nice cause like that they also help their fellow player and help themselves!
#198 Jun 17 2013 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
You got credit in phase 2 for helping other people kill monsters, given that you did enough damage, if you just hit it once then no.
#199 Jun 17 2013 at 12:43 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
True that i just run the feedback form phase 2 but somehow i felt it was easier this time around.
#200 Jun 17 2013 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Teravibe wrote:
As for easter eggs there are a lot that i noticed in the form of quest names like the one that i remember right now the "I believe you can fly" ring any bells?

I approve of this easter egg. Doo doo butter is exactly what XIV was missing. I take back all of those nasty things I said Smiley: sly
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#201 Jun 17 2013 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,570 posts
Seriha wrote:
So, on that end, I'm almost glad SCH is coming first in XIV, even if different. I just seriously hope Yoshi remembers that WAR is part of that WHM and BLM mix in paying homage to the job concept.
Considering I've been giving ideas anytime a RDM thread popped up on the beta forums since they opened, I'm hoping someone has taken notice. Then again, I can't really trust their localization team if they somehow turn "adept at self-enhancement through magic" into "turns allies into demi-gods".

FilthMcNasty wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
As for easter eggs there are a lot that i noticed in the form of quest names like the one that i remember right now the "I believe you can fly" ring any bells?

I approve of this easter egg. Doo doo butter is exactly what XIV was missing. I take back all of those nasty things I said Smiley: sly
Speaking of which, has anyone taken a look at the achievements tab? That's the one thing I forgot to do this weekend. Just to see if there were any amusingly-named achievements.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:38am by Ruisu
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
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