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New E3 Trailer.... of FFXIIIFollow

#27 Jun 06 2013 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
725 posts
I HATED the Moogles voice. It was so contrary to the voice in my imagination, that I muted the cutscenes and just used subtitles.

The game itself -xiii-2 lacked characters to exchange and level up. Unless you count the monsters, which
I'm not.

No thief, no white and dark mages, just really two characters and some guest appearances. Very dissapointing.

I did NOT fight at the collesium, just had no interest in it.

That's it Kupo!

Grand momma

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#28 Jun 06 2013 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
I hate Snow and would love to destroy him in this next game.
#29 Jun 06 2013 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Catwho wrote:
Terrible voice acting still! I guess they had to keep the same voice actors... I just wish they'd hire better ones at the start. Smiley: bah

Also, she's Neo now. Or something.

...and cringy dialog. ugh.

On a positive note it looks more like XIII-2. Though I only played the demo, even that was far more tolerable than the orignal XIII. I didn't even mind Chocolina.

Like I said in another thread though, I didn't like how broad the idea for this (current) series was. I want ONE FF game every 2-3 years and I want a good one. I don't want a thousand so-so spin-offs.

But whatever, I hope this one is good.
#30 Jun 06 2013 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
I just don't think that lighting is that likable of a character... Like zero attachment.
#31 Jun 06 2013 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
She ain't she is a bootlegged female version of cloud.
#32 Jun 06 2013 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Ostia wrote:
I hope they execute whoever was behind this 3 games after this is over.... Please do not let him create more FF! Not with out Ito!

Motomu and Kitase, whom also worked on the FF games you continually stated is the best. Direct your misguided hate elsewhere.
#33 Jun 06 2013 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:
Ostia wrote:
I hope they execute whoever was behind this 3 games after this is over.... Please do not let him create more FF! Not with out Ito!

Motomu and Kitase, whom also worked on the FF games you continually stated is the best. Direct your misguided hate elsewhere.

Misguided ? I am fully aware of who created XIII, Toriyama wrote it...Which is 90% of the problem, he is an awful writer, you only have to play XIII-XIII2 to realize how horrible he is... As for kitase, sure he worked on VI, but as i have always stated, he does exceptional work only when paired with Ito.

Seriously look at Motomu resume... 2 ok games... A bunch of failures. 3rd birthday... Such splendid scrip Smiley: lol Oh Front Mission evolved... Such such great gem Smiley: lol

The best thing he has in that resume is being special thanked in Type-0 Which btw is the best final fantasy game, second to VI.
#34 Jun 06 2013 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
X-2, XIII and XIII-2 are the only FF games I started and couldn't finish. Every other one that I got my hands on I managed to play through. I simply didn't care for any of the characters, or how it was all going to end. So I waited for XIII-2 to drop down in price, thinking it might be better, but no, the story was in fact worse.

The only good thing here is the world looks, different then the previous 2, so we'll have to wait and see for the reviews. I'll just do like XIII-2, wait for a sale of 9.99 or 19.99$ and play through the first 20-30 hours and see how it goes.

SE just needs to back off on all the futuristic flashy graphics and go back to open worlds with the old school feeling.

#35 Jun 06 2013 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
I've heard many people over the internet post comments of negativity towards the XIII series and I've had mixed feelings about the hate on XIII, ranging from amusement to annoyance and it can fluctate, but I can see a considerable amount of the naysayers of this next game end up buying it. Why? Simply because a lot of nolstalgic gamers don't want to give on Final Fantasy just yet, they hope for a game that satisfy not only their entertainment but also their desire to recapture the experience they felt in the previous games. This is highly unlikely just as much as it would be for a person who has played a mmo from its start and as its changed, they are becoming displeased of it and switch to a clone MMO which doesn't please them because it just isn't the same. I've heard the target audience for this game has been from early youth to young adults, so its not a surprise that there are people complaining about the games change because the cultures are changing. My advice to people looking for satisfaction in future FF games, is to be open-minded. If a person cannot try to be open minded with the game then they are setting themselves up for failure of obtaining their entertainment, and will be disappointed.
#36 Jun 06 2013 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
I bought it because it said "Final Fantasy" and up to that point, i had yet to be disappointed in a main entry of the Series. A bad game is a bad game no meter what expectations you set for yourself, FF Type 0 is the best FF game they have created in the past 15 years... Is aimed at the same people XIII was, yet is not as horrible, in contrast is a masterpiece from start to finish.
#37 Jun 06 2013 at 9:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
After playing the first two installments, I've been involved in this story too much not to see how it ends. I mean, it would just gnaw at me to simply ignore it.

So, damn me, I'm getting this game. Smiley: bah
#38 Jun 06 2013 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
Ostia wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Ostia wrote:
I hope they execute whoever was behind this 3 games after this is over.... Please do not let him create more FF! Not with out Ito!

Motomu and Kitase, whom also worked on the FF games you continually stated is the best. Direct your misguided hate elsewhere.

Misguided ? I am fully aware of who created XIII, Toriyama wrote it...Which is 90% of the problem, he is an awful writer, you only have to play XIII-XIII2 to realize how horrible he is... As for kitase, sure he worked on VI, but as i have always stated, he does exceptional work only when paired with Ito.

Seriously look at Motomu resume... 2 ok games... A bunch of failures. 3rd birthday... Such splendid scrip Smiley: lol Oh Front Mission evolved... Such such great gem Smiley: lol

The best thing he has in that resume is being special thanked in Type-0 Which btw is the best final fantasy game, second to VI.

For once, I agree with Ostia. Yoshinori Kitase likes good storytelling, Hiroyuki Ito gets the critically acclaimed FFs for their gameplay. They need to team up again and make a new FF that mashes the two together or you'll keep getting FFs with great story and no gameplay (Kitase - XIII) or great gameplay with no story (Ito - XII).

#39 Jun 07 2013 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
1,098 posts
Sheesh 2014, at least it's XBOX 360 and not XBOX ONE.

#40 Jun 07 2013 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
IvanStine207 wrote:
That game had bad graphics so I stopped playing it after the first non cinematic scene. A game is nothing without good graphics which is why FF VII was sh*t.

You realize that at the time of its release, FFVII's graphics were revolutionary? Of course they're going to look like crap to a younger gamer.

onineko wrote:
I just don't think that lighting is that likable of a character... Like zero attachment.

Ostia wrote:
She ain't she is a bootlegged female version of cloud.

Cloud was more likeable, especially if you saw him in Crisis Core before the events of FF7, and got a glimpse of the transformation (pre-SOLDIER).
#41 Jun 07 2013 at 4:25 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Killua125 wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I hate anime dubs so that's a bad example to bring up. Original JP only!

Sadly, the best voice acting I've heard coming out of an American studio in the last ten years was on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

SE should have hired Tara Strong for Lightning.

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 2:45pm by Catwho

lost of ppl will tell you the fullmetal alchemist dub is just as good if not BETTER than the JP dub... its the first and ONLY anime ive ever heard that said about but at least it proves it CAN be done

For me, I actually prefer Japanese for FMA (by far), but there are definitely some anime where the English voice is better. There are anime like Cowboy Bebop where the Japanese people prefer the English voice acting.

I think it just comes down to quality. The localization budget is oftentimes small when it comes to Japanese products coming westward, and good voice actors just don't get hired.

I think XIII (and its however many sequels) has good English voice acting - fantastic if you're comparing it to other JRPGs.

About Tara Strong and Rikku, I get what she was doing with her voice, but it was just all wrong. She's a really talented voice actor, so I'll just pin it to bad direction or something...

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 3:29pm by Killua125

I should agree that FMA dub was quite good but i ll be damn if i don't watch one piece in japanese. I mean half of the laugh i make is from luffy talking like that. (and by the way if you didn't know the voice actor for luffy is female)
#42 Jun 07 2013 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
That looks terribad :(
#43 Jun 07 2013 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
What I am interested in at this point is gameplay. What I've seen from it has piqued my interest. I did not like the ending to FFXIII-2, but I did like the game itself, and the new combat system seems to be more action-centric which is a plus for me.

So... I'm waiting. Will it be worthy of the collection? We'll have to see.
#44 Jun 07 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Kachi wrote:
IvanStine207 wrote:
That game had bad graphics so I stopped playing it after the first non cinematic scene. A game is nothing without good graphics which is why FF VII was sh*t.

You realize that at the time of its release, FFVII's graphics were revolutionary? Of course they're going to look like crap to a younger gamer.

onineko wrote:
I just don't think that lighting is that likable of a character... Like zero attachment.

Ostia wrote:
She ain't she is a bootlegged female version of cloud.

Cloud was more likeable, especially if you saw him in Crisis Core before the events of FF7, and got a glimpse of the transformation (pre-SOLDIER).

Nah not really, never liked cloud, not in CC not in FFVII not in AC, his character was lame, he was a guy with blonde spikey hair and a oversized sword, thats all he was. Now Zack on the other hand.... Has that thing you call "Character" cloud and lighting are the most one dimensional characters in FF XD!
#45 Jun 07 2013 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Cloud was far from one-dimensional. He goes from young country kid in over his head, to cocky schizoid/Zack clone, to a hero that conquers his fears. Cloud's awesome, and will always be the face of Final Fantasy for me.

That said, Lightning's got nothing on Cloud. Although I always thought her name was cool.
#46 Jun 07 2013 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Cloud was far from one-dimensional. He goes from young country kid in over his head, to cocky schizoid/Zack clone, to a hero that conquers his fears. Cloud's awesome, and will always be the face of Final Fantasy for me.

That said, Lightning's got nothing on Cloud. Although I always thought her name was cool.

Exactly. Crisis Core transformed the polygons and text dialogue in FF7 into something that conveyed a realistic Cloud, who was more than just an emo "badass" silent protagonist that a lot of westerners say he was.

I've only played like the first quarter of XIII, but my understanding of Lightning is that while she probably has a more fleshed-out backstory, she's more just "emo badass" for the sake of being cool. And there's not much room to interpret the presentation of her character or give it the benefit of the doubt since the cinematic aspect is top notch. In reading, you have to do a bit of detective guesswork. I do think that's something that can be said about FF7--it came from a period of video games where your imagination and interpretation of the experience defined the game by necessity, whereas today that's a luxury that certain "avant games" can choose merely as an option.
#47 Jun 07 2013 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
1,104 posts
My absolute main problem with FFXIII was the structure of it. The entire game was just one long corridor/maze, at least until the final act, but at that point I had lost interest. It felt very constricted.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 4:47pm by BrokenFox
#48 Jun 07 2013 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I'm more or less okay with that actually. The battle system, while okay in its own right, didn't do it for me, personally. The progression system is what really fails to me, because it took an opportunity to REALLY allow exploration and freedom in the gameplay, and put THAT in a "corridor" as well. I'm fine with corridors; they have their pros and cons, but when the gameplay is an on-rails tutorial that barely lets you scale the challenge or own the characters, I'm disengaged.

Now that I think about it, I'd almost rather just watch XIII. Ima guess I can find it all on youtube? Or does SE crack down on that?

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 2:40pm by Kachi
#49 Jun 07 2013 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
BrokenFox wrote:
Cloud was far from one-dimensional. He goes from young country kid in over his head, to cocky schizoid/Zack clone, to a hero that conquers his fears. Cloud's awesome, and will always be the face of Final Fantasy for me.

That said, Lightning's got nothing on Cloud. Although I always thought her name was cool.

Cloud is a failure, a character that needs 2 games, and a movie in order to finally become "Something" other than one dimensional, is quite sad indeed.

Terra did not need 2 games and a movie, nor did Cecil, or Zidane, Squall, Barts etc etc.

He is an overrated character, in an overrated game, with an overrated villain to match... FFVII was good do not get me wrong, but it was not THAT Good.
#50 Jun 07 2013 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Cloud was a well established character from the get go in FF7. It wasn't like Crisis Core and Advent Children had some big revelation about him. They just added to his character.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 6:18pm by BrokenFox
#51 Jun 07 2013 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
He was a zack clone from inception up until he came back from the lifestream... That's about 80% of VII.... And even then he was still the same character up until the end of AC when he finally shade his emo gimmick.

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