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FFXIV or FFXI-2 [Which would you prefer]Follow

#1 May 31 2013 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Serious question, which would you have preferred? The new iteration FFXIV ARR or Final Fantasy XI-2?

I think if they updated the graphics, the UI and spent more time creating meaningful content then FFXI-2 would have been an amazing game. Clearly they would have to remove some things from the current FFXI like the dreaded Gusgan leveling and maybe a few things that spoiled the game. [getting back to the root of what made ffxi so popular]

I'd like to hear your thoughts because I think a lot of you would have much preferred an updated FFXI. Also, it makes little sense, in my eyes anyway, for them to create ANOTHER MMORPG, when they already have one. Why clutter and disturb your already thriving fan-base?

Edited, May 31st 2013 9:03pm by chrisatron
#2 May 31 2013 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
chrisatron wrote:
Also, it makes little sense, in my eyes anyway, for them to create ANOTHER MMORPG, when they already have one. Why clutter and disturb your already thriving fan-base?

Because Final Fantasy XI is over 10 years old and extremely outdated, as good as it may be. To answer your question I would rather have XIV. You have to move on sometime...

Edited, May 31st 2013 9:07pm by BrokenFox
#3 May 31 2013 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
BrokenFox wrote:
chrisatron wrote:
Also, it makes little sense, in my eyes anyway, for them to create ANOTHER MMORPG, when they already have one. Why clutter and disturb your already thriving fan-base?

Because Final Fantasy XI is over 10 years old and extremely outdated, as good as it may be. To answer your question I would rather have XIV.

Well yeah, but I meant an updated version, a new game based around FFXI, basically a massive overhaul. One that would take the time it's taken them to create ffxiv. Something that would bring it up to date with the current and next generation but leave the same values in-tact.
#4 May 31 2013 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
After the failure that was 1.0, I doubt Square-Enix will be looking into the MMO market again after 2.0 launches. It's too late to be asking this question.
#5 May 31 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
Its hard to make the distinction. In many ways FFXIV can be considered a complete overhaul over FFXI no?
#6 May 31 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
chrisatron wrote:
Serious question, which would you have preferred? The new iteration FFXIV ARR or Final Fantasy XI-2?

I think if they updated the graphics, the UI and spent more time creating meaningful content then FFXI-2 would have been an amazing game. Clearly they would have to remove some things from the current FFXI like the dreaded Gusgan leveling and maybe a few things that spoiled the game. [getting back to the root of what made ffxi so popular]

I'd like to hear your thoughts because I think a lot of you would have much preferred an updated FFXI. Also, it makes little sense, in my eyes anyway, for them to create ANOTHER MMORPG, when they already have one. Why clutter and disturb your already thriving fan-base?

It's all personal preference but I much prefer the community centric play of XI to that of XIV... so personally I would prefer XI-2

Edited, May 31st 2013 9:03pm by chrisatron

#7 May 31 2013 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
599 posts
Atkascha wrote:
After the failure that was 1.0, I doubt Square-Enix will be looking into the MMO market again after 2.0 launches. It's too late to be asking this question.

I don't think that is true. MMOs were the best thing to happen to gaming companies. It creates a steady stream of revenue. If anything more MMOs will be in SEs future. If not in the next year I would say soon.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#8 May 31 2013 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
XIV here. I'm loving where this game is going.
#9 May 31 2013 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
kainsilv wrote:
Atkascha wrote:
After the failure that was 1.0, I doubt Square-Enix will be looking into the MMO market again after 2.0 launches. It's too late to be asking this question.

I don't think that is true. MMOs were the best thing to happen to gaming companies. It creates a steady stream of revenue. If anything more MMOs will be in SEs future. If not in the next year I would say soon.

I agree that MMOs are profitable, but S-E has tarnished their reputation in that regard. I wouldn't say that it's a good idea for them to look into the market again any time soon. If they can focus on rebuilding FFXIV and making it a success, that will be a start.
#10 May 31 2013 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Since we have not seen the finished product that XIV will be, it's kind of unfair to compare, or to even ask, all we have to go by is little tibits of information regarding ARR, that is hardly enough data to compare XI and XIV.
#11 May 31 2013 at 7:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
Since we have not seen the finished product that XIV will be, it's kind of unfair to compare, or to even ask, all we have to go by is little tibits of information regarding ARR, that is hardly enough data to compare XI and XIV.

Thank you for that, 5 rate ups from me Smiley: thumbsup
#12 May 31 2013 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
FFXIV is shaping up to be far better than anything they could have done if pigeon holed into a direct FFXI sequel. I vote for what we are getting: FFXIV
#13 May 31 2013 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
electromagnet83 wrote:
FFXIV is shaping up to be far better than anything they could have done if pigeon holed into a direct FFXI sequel. I vote for what we are getting: FFXIV

Well not to contradict you just for the sake of contradicting you, but XI was a solid title for it's day, it's only fault was not being able to visualize what the market could be, when it was in development, or in other words, not being as successful as WOW was because WOW had a pulse in the market.

An overhauled XI, could do as good as XI did in it's time, but certainly some aspects of the game would have to be changed for it to be successful, i personally was hoping for a more XI approach in XIV as far as party dynamics, but again, since we have had so little information regarding this, for all i know, the finished product would address this in the way i envisioned.

I truly believe a sequel to XI could work if managed properly. But that is a big IF.
#14 May 31 2013 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
When I first loaded FFXI on PC and tried to move or do stuff, I couldn't. I was trying to use WASD to move but nothing was happening.

It took me an hour to set up the camera, the buttons and layout before I was able to move around comfortably.

So I'd say that's one thing FFXIV is going to have an advantage over FFXI at the start, lol.


Seriously, FFXI was good for its time, but has run its course. Although I'd like to see some things carried over from FFXI, FFXIV needs to carry the torch and hopefully make its own lengthy path.
#15 May 31 2013 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,163 posts
So you want...


FFXI is still going. They just added an expansion. However, you can't take back what's been done. Abyssea killed that game for me. You can't overhaul it and remove features that made the game what it is right now, not with that game anyway.

FFXIV on the other had was dead the second the gates opened. It took waht 6 months for them to admit they tried to kill themselves? At one year they said they were redoing the whole thing, right? So its different. As far as I'm concerned, FFXIV: ARR is a new game. I just so happen to have a charcter that got to move with me. Games do that all the time, .Hack did it from game 1 to 4.

So answer the question. I want FFXIV: ARR.
#16 May 31 2013 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts

There are some (player) cultural parts to the FFXI game that I don't feel comfortable about, and some of it developed because of how the game was designed, IMO.

The continent of countless colibri carnage didn't help either.
#17 May 31 2013 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
Final Fantasy XIV.

If I have to make one more mid-battle gear swapping macro, I'm gonna lose it.
#18 May 31 2013 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
Well not to contradict you just for the sake of contradicting you, but XI was a solid title for it's day, it's only fault was not being able to visualize what the market could be, when it was in development, or in other words, not being as successful as WOW was because WOW had a pulse in the market.

Interesting perspective, and it does make a lot of sense. Blizzard already had mmo-like games in the market and better understood what would work.

As far as this question goes, FFXIV. I loved XI back in the day, but I want something new. I want a new world, new storyline, new everything. It's the same reason I always liked that every iteration of FF was a new world...until they started ruining that around the time X-2 came out. Smiley: bah Just go back to making new original games SE! Oh, and stop making them so freakin linear.
#19 May 31 2013 at 9:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Gotta go with 14. Asheron's Call & Everquest both tried to go with a newer version and nostalgia and technology didn't work well. Part of an old game being fun is that you accept questionable development because it was "good at the time."
#20 May 31 2013 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
1,122 posts
I just want a game that is even better than XI. A game world that can top Vana D'iel.

I have no idea what XIV will be like in 10 years, if it's still around. I can only hope we'll look back on it as a classic, as opposed to most of the moderately successful post-WoW MMOs which I doubt will be.

Edited, Jun 1st 2013 12:03am by Dizmo
#21 May 31 2013 at 10:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm still trying to play XI so XI-2 would have been a bit... annoying.

XIV is cool.
#22 May 31 2013 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
XI-2 because id prefer the hardcore approach over the casual/make everything instanced approach
#23 Jun 01 2013 at 4:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,163 posts

DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
XI-2 because I'd prefer the hardcore approach over the casual/make everything instanced approach

I have to agree and disagree here.

I agree because making the game hardcore, creating an addiction, creating the need for others will create an atmosphere that is unique and lives and breathes based on the people who play it. FFXI in the early years.

I disagree because, someone spoke on this elsewhere, one of the demographics that SE is marketing too has aged. I'm sorry to say it but there are a lot of us on here that are old now. I was 20 years old when I started playing FFXI. My life style is completely different now. Nostalgia of what was is cool but if FFXIV is anything like what FFXI was from 2003-2009, there is no way I would be playing very long. I can't sit for 30min waiting for a party, wait for another 30 to get started because the camp we went to was taken, only to have someone say they have to go 15min later.

There should be a hardcore element, which there will be but I think those hardcore players will probably be playing what I consider casual at a hardcore level. Where I can use duty finder and play one or two rounds, you can have a static and do it a handful of times and it will still feel like you are going nuts.

Does that make sense?
#24 Jun 01 2013 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
262 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
XI-2 because id prefer the hardcore approach over the casual/make everything instanced approach

I definitely want that feeling of exploration and comradery with a LS full of friends again, but there is no way with the responsibilities I have nowadays that I could devote the amount of time that was necessary to progress at all in XI. I want challenge, but I want the mobs we're going to face to be challenging. Not getting the party together and waiting 30 mins to an hour type of challenge.
#25 Jun 01 2013 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
I played 11 when it came out and loved it.. but I have to say it ate up my childhood lol. Come home from school play 11 till bed time. If they made a ff11 remake.. it would prolly act and play like ffxiv arr. There is no way they would revamp ff11 and still use the same play style. If they did attempt it I think they would be shooting ARR in the foot. As it is they would prolly want to merge ff11 players into arr so that they can phase out ff11 down the road.

Most of the people i played with in ff11 recently are gonna try ARR and all seemed alittle tierd of the grind. As many people have said were getting older and we cant spend all day looking for a group or 4 hours + in a party to get something done. This leads to my main point of ARR is a upgraded ff11, they fixed the time looking for groups they fixed the time to get things done and they kept the great story lines and side jobs.
#26 Jun 01 2013 at 7:30 AM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
I agree with the notion here that XIV should have the hardcore aspect of challenging content without the timesinks. I detested the sluggishness of XI in getting a solid group together. That wasn't hardcore to me, it was a pain. If that can be eliminated with the Duty/Content Finder and still have the option of content along the lines of AV, pre-Abyssea Sky/Sea, etc., then this game will keep my attention for a long time to come.
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